
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Supercritical carbon dioxide grafting of glycidyl methacrylate onto medium density polyethylene and purification of residual monomer and initiator NULL 1390 01 Journal
Determination of Methadone in Human Hair by Headspace Extraction and Ion Mobility Spectrometry NULL 1389 12 Journal
Analysis of testosterone in human urine using molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction and corona discharge ion mobility spectrometry NULL 1389 10 Journal
Separation of Gamma-Linolenic and other Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids from Boraginaceae via Supercritical CO2 NULL 1389 10 Journal
حذف فسفات از محلول هاي آبي به وسيله بنتونيت اصلاح شده 1389 08 Conference چهارمين همايش و نمايشگاه تخصصي مهندسي محيط زيست
كاربرد بنتونيت فرآوري شده به عنوان جاذب در كاهش پساب و حفظ ارزش تغذيه اي سيلاژ ذرت 1389 08 Conference چهارمين همايش و نمايشگاه تخصصي مهندسي محيط زيست
كاربرد بنتونيت فرآوري شده بعنوان جاذب ارزان قيمت براي جذب فلزات سنگين پسابهاي صنايع آبكاري 1389 08 Conference چهارمين همايش و نمايشگاه تخصصي مهندسي محيط زيست
Feasibility study of cresol synthesis in sub -and supercritical water 1389 07 Conference هفدهمين سمينار شيمي آلي ايران
synthesis of diethyl ether from sub -and supercritical ethanol using homogeneous catalysts 1389 07 Conference هفدهمين سمينار شيمي آلي ايران
Evaluation of UV-VIS and ESI-IMS as detedtors in analysis of a variety of pesticides 1389 06 Conference هفدهمين سمينار شيمي تجزيه ايران
Effect of Salinity Stress (NaCl) on Growth and Development and Chicoric Acid of Echinacea purpurea cv. Magnus 1389 05 Conference 28th International Horticultural Congress ( IHC 2010 )
Pressurized hot water extraction of benzoic acid and phthalic anhydride from petrochemical wastes using a modified supercritical fluid extractor and a central composite design for optimization NULL 1389 02 Journal
solubility of maleic acid in supercritical carbon dioxide NULL 1389 01 Journal
Continuous extraction of glycerol acetates from their mixture using supercritical carbon dioxide NULL 1389 01 Journal
Ternay solubility of mono- and di-tert-butyl ethers of glycerol in supercritical carbon dioxide NULL 1389 01 Journal
Application of QSPR for prediction of percent conversion of esterification reactions in supercritical carbon dioxide using least squares support vector regression NULL 1389 01 Journal
اسيدشويي ضايعات تايرهاي فرسوده ماشين راهكاري جهت افزايش قابليت استفاده از اين ضايعات به عنوان بستر كشت در سيستمهاي هيدروپونيك 1388 07 Conference اولين كنگره ملي هيدروپونيك و توليدات گلخانه اي
Optimization of enzymatic synthesis of cocoa butter analog from camel hump fat in supercritical carbon dioxide by response surface method (RSM) NULL 1388 03 Journal
Zinc release kinetics in a calcareous soil treated with waste tire ash and powder as alternatives to Zn fertilizers 1388 03 Conference 2nd International Conference on Environmental Management Engineering Planning and Economics CEMEPE SeCOTOX Conference
Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of essential oil from Iranian lavender flower 1388 02 Conference 9th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids