
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Effect of Binder on Oxidation Properties of Tungsten Carbides: A Review by a Conceptual Classification Approach 10.3390/ceramics7010011 1402 - 10 Journal
Integration of inventory control, maintenance policy, and quality control for selling products under warranty 10.1007/s10287-023-00481-z 1402 - 07 Journal
An Integrated Model for Continuous and Simultaneous Performance Improvement: A SCOR-Based Supply Chain Decision Alignment 10.22068/ijiepr.34.3.5 1402 - 06 Journal
A Hotelling T2 chart for monitoring Gamma regression profile by considering estimation error 10.1504/IJQET.2023.132473 1402 - 04 Journal
Integrating pre and post-disaster activities for designing an equitable humanitarian relief supply chain 10.1016/j.cie.2023.109342 1402 - 04 Journal
A Ridge Penalized Likelihood Ratio Chart for Phase II Monitoring of High-Dimensional Process Dispersion Under Measurement System Inaccuracy 10.22068/ijiepr.34.2.11 1402 - 03 Journal
A two-stage model for change point detection in large-scale weighted directed social networks using a MEWMA chart 10.1007/s13278-023-01067-y 1402 - 01 Journal
Joint optimization of two-dimensional preventive maintenance parameters, technology level and product price under continuous usage rate and agent warranty services 10.1080/02286203.2023.2180602 1401 - 11 Journal
The Performance of Max-GWMA Control Chart in the Presence of Measurement Errors 10.24425/mper.2022.142392 1401 - 10 Journal
A high-dimensional control chart for monitoring process variability under gauge imprecision effect 10.1007/s11740-022-01166-3 1401 - 10 Journal
Double Sampling Adaptive Thresholding LASSO Variability Chart for Phase II Monitoring of High-Dimensional Data Streams 10.1142/S242486222350001X 1401 - 10 Journal
Integrated maintenance, inventory and quality engineering decisions for multi-product systems 10.2478/emj-2022-0033 1401 - 09 Journal
A Double-Sampling Approach for Multivariate Control Charting Using Multiple Measurement Strategy and Simulation NULL 1401 - 06 Journal
اولويت بندي شاخص هاي توسعه پايدار مناطق آزاد با استفاده از روش تصميم گيري چند معياره تركيبي دنپ و تحليل عاملي NULL 1401 - 06 Journal
Joint design of control chart and maintenance policy under multiple assignable causes and random failures by considering the statistical constraints 10.1080/23737484.2022.2126413 1401 - 06 Journal
Performance of Max-HEWMAMS Control Chart for Simultaneous Monitoring of Process Mean and Variability in the Presence of Measurement Errors 10.1504/IJADS.2022.10043963 1401 - 06 Journal
ارزيابي توسعه پايدار مناطق آزاد تجاري- صنعتي ايران NULL 1401 - 06 Journal
Performance of hybrid exponentially weighted moving average control chart in the presence of measurement errors 10.1504/IJMDM.2022.10043247 1401 - 03 Journal
Multivariate ELR control chart with estimated mean vector and covariance matrix 10.1080/03610926.2022.2076116 1401 - 02 Journal
The Performance of Triple Sampling xbar Control Chart with Measurement Errors 10.1080/16843703.2022.2040702 1400 - 12 Journal