
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Processing of Harmonics and Interharmonics Using an Adaptive Notch Filter NULL 1389 01 Journal
A real-time three-phase selective-harmonic-extraction approach for grid-connected converters NULL 1388 07 Journal
A real-time extraction of harmonic and reactive current in a nonlinear load for gridconnected converters NULL 1388 03 Journal
A fast and accurate synchronization technique for extraction of symmetrical components NULL 1387 12 Journal
A signle-phase adaptive synchronization tool for grid-connected converters 1387 08 Conference The 34th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2008)
An adaptive notch filtering approach for harmonic and reactive current extraction in active power filters 1387 08 Conference The 34th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2008)
A nonlinear adaptive synchronization technique for grid-connected distributed energy sources NULL 1387 04 Journal
A nonlinear adaptive synchronization technique for single-phase grid-connected converters 1387 03 Conference 39th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference
A real-time selective harmonic extraction approach based on adaptive notch filtering 1387 03 Conference 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics
Estimation of Power System Frequency Using an Adaptive Notch Filter NULL 1386 09 Journal
معرفي و تحليل پايداري يك فيلتر شكاف دار وفقي براي تخمين فركانس اصلي سيگنال هاي تناوبي NULL 1386 06 Journal
Estimation of n Frequencies Using Adaptive Notch Filter NULL 1386 01 Journal
Stability analysis of periodic orbit of an adaptive notch filter for frequency estimation of a periodic signal NULL 1385 12 Journal
Time-Domian Signal Analysis Using Adaptive Notch Filter NULL 1385 10 Journal
A Technique for Extracting Harmonics of Time-Varying Nature 1385 04 Conference The IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics ( ISIE 2006 )
A Technique for Extracting Time-Varying Harmonics Based on an Adaptive Notch Filter 1384 06 Conference 2005 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications
Estimation of Power System Frequeny Using Adaptive Notch Filter 1384 02 Conference Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference ( IMTC 2005 )
معرفي و تحليل پايداري يك الگوريتم وفقي براي تخمين فركانس اصلي و استخراج مولفه هاي يك سيگنال تناوبي 1384 02 Conference سيزدهمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
معرفي و تحليل پايداري يك الگوريتم وفقي براي تخمين n فركانس يك سيگنال شامل مجموع سينوسها 1383 02 Conference دوازدهمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
An Adaptive Notch Filter for Frequency Estimation of a Periodic Signal NULL 1382 11 Journal