
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
NULL NULL 1382 01 Journal
Electropolymerization of N-Methyl on Mild Steel Surface NULL 1382 01 Journal
NULL NULL 1382 01 Journal
Corrosion Characteristics of Steel Substrates Coated by Polypyrrole Using Electropolymerization From T4Sna Aqueous Solution 1381 08 Conference NULL
Optimization of Effective Parameters on the Alumina-Silica Coatings Produced by Sol-Gel Method 1381 07 Conference ششمين كنگره انجمن مهندسين متالوژي ايران
The Effect of clinical procedures on surface characteristics and corrosion behavior of high copper dental amalgams 1381 05 Conference Symposium of Advanced Biomaterials for Biomedical Applications
The Effect of Clinical Procedures on the Surface Characteristics and Corrosion Behavior of High Copper Dental Amalgam 1381 05 Conference COM 2002
Effects of Heat Treatment and Thermo-mechanical Treatment on the Mechanical Properties of 7075 Aluminum Alloys 1381 02 Conference NULL
Wear behavior of aluminum matrix TiB2 composite prepared by in situ processing NULL 1381 01 Journal
Nectarean and Growth of Zinc Electro Deposited on to Electro Posited and mechanically Steel Surfaces NULL 1381 01 Journal
NULL NULL 1381 01 Journal
Effect of Nucleon Mode on the Morphology and Texture of Electro Posted Zinc NULL 1381 01 Journal
SiO2 Optical Layers Containing ZnO Microparticles Produced by the Sol-Gel Method NULL 1380 12 Journal
Evaluation of Stress Corrosion Cracking of Al-TiB2 Composite Using Slow Strain Rate Tests 1380 08 Conference پنجمين كنگره انجمن مهندسين متالوژي ايران
بررسي تاثير انجماد بر ريز ساختار آلياژهاي ريختگي آلومينيم توسط سيستم انجماد جهت دار NULL 1380 07 Journal
NULL NULL 1380 01 Journal
Microstructural Characterization of Combustion Deposited Diamond Crystals and Films NULL 1380 01 Journal
Fluidized Bed Polyethylene Powder Coatings on Carbon Steel A Study of Effective Parameters on Adhesion NULL 1380 01 Journal
SiO2 Optical Layer Containing ZnO Microparticles Produced by Sol-Gel Method NULL 1380 01 Journal
بررسي انواع آخالهاي غير فلزي در طي فرايند ... 1379 12 Conference سمپوزيوم فولاد 79