A comprehensive formulation for determining static characteristics of mosaic multi-stable composite laminates under large deformation and large rotation |
10.1016/j.tws.2023.111545 |
1403 |
01 |
Journal |
Free vibrational analysis of variable thickness plate made of functionally graded porous materials using internal supports in contact with bounded fluid |
10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.112335 |
1401 |
08 |
Journal |
Investigating the multiple scales method based on a new scaling for energy harvesting from a double cantilever beam with internal resonance |
10.1007/s11012-022-01504-w |
1400 |
12 |
Journal |
ديسپارسيون حالت جامد در تهيه نانو/ميكروكامپوزيت هاي پليمري ترموپلاستيك |
1400 |
12 |
Conference |
هجدهمين همايش ملي و هفتمين كنفرانس بين المللي مهندسي ساخت و توليد ايران |
استخراج تحليلي شكل مودها و فركانس هاي طبيعي سيستم ارتعاشي تير دوگانه گيردار با لايه پيزوالكتريك و مقايسه آن با روش اجزاي محدود |
1400 |
09 |
Conference |
يازدهمين كنفرانس بين المللي آكوستيك و ارتعاشات |
Energy harvesting from longitudinal and transverse motions of sea waves particles using a new waterproof piezoelectric waves energy harvester |
10.1016/j.renene.2021.07.042 |
1400 |
04 |
Journal |
Experimental and numerical investigation of energy harvesting from double cantilever beams with internal resonance |
10.1016/j.jsv.2021.116022 |
1400 |
02 |
Journal |
Energy harvesting from nonlinear vibrations of an L-shaped beam using piezoelectric patches |
10.1007/s40430-021-02843-7 |
1399 |
12 |
Journal |
A Geometrically exact model for predicting statics and snap-through behaviors of bi-stable composite laminates |
10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.113826 |
1399 |
12 |
Journal |
Static and dynamic analysis of a bistable plate under nonlinear magnetic force |
10.1177/1077546320982464 |
1399 |
09 |
Journal |
Energy harvesting from moving harmonic and moving continuous mass traversing on a simply supported beam |
1398 |
10 |
Journal |
A Novel Approach for Energy Harvesting from Feedback Fluidic Oscillator |
10.1007/s40684-019-00128-y |
1398 |
04 |
Journal |
تحليل تنش و آناليز ارتعاشات چرخ بدون باد (توييل) و بررسي تاثير ميزان انحناي پره و سرعت بر ارتعاش چرخ با استفاده از روش اجزاي محدود |
1398 |
01 |
Journal |
On using a distributed-parameter model for modal analysis of a mistuned bladed disk rotor and extracting the statistical properties of its in-plane natural frequencies |
10.1016/j.jsv.2018.08.061 |
1397 |
10 |
Journal |
تاثير نابالانسي و بهره هاي كنترلي بر ديناميك غيرخطي يك روتور هم محور در ياتاقانهاي مغناطيسي فعال و تماس با ياتاقانهاي كمكي |
1397 |
10 |
Journal |
Nonlinear vibration analysis of axially moving strings in thermal environment |
1397 |
09 |
Journal |
مرور مقالات بررسي عملكرد مكانيكي طناب نخاعي در آسيبهاي ضربه اي |
1397 |
07 |
Journal |
Energy harvesting from vibration of Timoshenko nanobeam under base excitation considering flexoelectric and elastic strain gradient effects |
10.1016/j.jsv.2018.01.059 |
1397 |
02 |
Journal |
1397 |
01 |
Conference |
2nd International Conference on Tribology |
انتقال انرژي بي سيم با تكيه بر استفاده از امواج فراصوتي |
1396 |
10 |
Journal |