
type: Journal
Title DOI Year Month type
Investigation into the effect of UV/Ozone Irradiation on the dyeing behaviour of Poly(lactic acid) and Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Substrates NULL 1392 01 Journal
A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Colour Emotion for Two-Colour Combinations NULL 1390 11 Journal
NULL NULL 1382 01 Journal
NULL NULL 1378 01 Journal
type: Conference
Title Year Month type Conference Title
Computerised Colour Matching of Polyester-Cotton Blend Fabrics 1390 09 Conference 4th International Color and Coatings Congress (ICCC 2011)
A Study on the Performance of the ISO and GSR Staining Colour Fastness Formulae Using a Specially Made New Data Set 1390 09 Conference 4th International Color and Coatings Congress (ICCC 2011)
Investigation into the Dyeing of Soybean Fibres with Natural Dyes 1390 09 Conference 4th International Color and Coatings Congress (ICCC 2011)
Deep Dyeing of Poly(lactic acid) and Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Fabrics Using UV/Ozone Irradiation 1390 09 Conference 4th International Color and Coatings Congress (ICCC 2011)
Preparation of a Skin Colour Chart for the Characterisation of Digital Cameras by an Improved Method 1388 08 Conference 3rd International Color and Coatings Congress (ICCC2009)