
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
New multi-pass hot channel section rolling design by the finite element method # Journal
ارزيابي فرم پذيري ورق فلزي در فرآيند فرم دهي تدريجي دونقطه اي با استفاده از تحليل المان محدود و آزمايش هاي تجربي # Journal
An investigative study on the performance of twist roll machine in a continuous cold strip rolling mill # Journal
تحليل فرآيند فرم دهي تدريجي دونقطه اي با استفاده از روش قاچي به همراه آزمايش هاي تجربي # Journal
Experimental Study on the magnetomechanical characteristics of Ni-Mn-Ga Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloy Single Crystals # Journal
3D phenomenological constitutive modeling of shape memory alloys based on microplane theory # Journal
Slab analysis of asymmetrical rolling of bonded two-layer sheets # Journal
Asymmetrical sheet rolling analysis and evaluation of developed curvature # Journal
Analysis of Nonlinear Free Vibration and Damping of a Clamped-Clamped Beam with Embedded PreStrained Shape Memory Alloy Wires # Journal
Numerical Implementation of a Thermomechanical Constitutive Model for Shape Memory Alloys using Return Mapping Algorithm and Microplane Theory # Journal
Buckling analysis of rectangular functionally graded plates under various edge conditions using Fourier Series Expansion # Journal
بررسي و تحليل عملكرد ماشين چرخش ورق خطوط نورد سرد پيوسته # Journal
Analysis of Curvature Development in Asymmetrical Plate Rolling in Free and Forced Horizontal Entry Conditions # Journal
Caliber Design in Shape Rolling by Finite Element Method # Journal
تحليل كمانش ورق هاي مستطيلي مواد مدرج تابعي تحت شرايط مرزي اختياري # Journal
modeling of shape memory alloy based on microplane theory # Journal
Modeling of the cyclic thermomechanical response of SMA wires at different strain rates # Journal
Analysis of asymmetrical sheet rolling by a genetic algorithm # Journal
Microplane modelling of Shape memory alloy # Journal
Asymmetrical cold sheet rolling in free horizontal entry conditions # Journal