
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Renewable starch/polyvinyl alcohol nanocomposite foams reinforced by cellulose nanofibers isolated from carrot residues using a chemo-mechanical process 10.1007/s13726-024-01280-2 1402 11 Journal
Effect of Drying Method on Characteristics of Hydrogel Based on Starch-g-poly (acrylic acid) Reinforced by Cellulose Nanofibers as an Adsorbent 1402 09 Conference The 12th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition
Osteogenic potential of PHB-lignin/cellulose nanofiber electrospun scaffold as a novel bone regeneration construct NULL 1402 07 Journal
Removal of chromium ions by a bionanocomposite hydrogel based on starch-g-poly(acrylic acid) reinforced by cellulose nanofibers through a fix-bed adsorption column 10.1007/s10098-023-02623-y 1402 07 Journal
Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Magnetic Nano-Biocomposite Hydrogels Based on Starch-<i>g</i>-poly(acrylic acid) Reinforced by Cellulose Nanofibers for Cu<sup>2+</sup> Ion Removal 10.1021/acsomega.3c01655 1402 03 Journal
Plasma surface modification of electrospun polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) nanofibers to investigate their performance in bone tissue engineering 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.123167 1401 10 Journal
Theoretical and experimental investigation of solubility and Young's modulus models for polyhydroxybutyrate?based electrospun scaffolds 10.1002/app.53666 1401 10 Journal
Electrospinning of Polyhydroxybutyrate/Lignin/Cellulose-nanofibers Bionanocomposite Scaffold for Bone Tissue Engineering Application 1401 08 Conference پانزدهمين همايش بين المللي علوم و فناوري پليمر (ISPST 2022)
Synthesis of poly (propylene imine) dendrimer with ethylenediamine core and investigation of dendrimer's response to glucose at different pH 1401 08 Conference پانزدهمين همايش بين المللي علوم و فناوري پليمر (ISPST 2022)
Determining the pKa value of the fourth generation poly(propylene imine) dendrimer functionalized with 4-carboxyphenylboronic acid by pH titration method 1401 08 Conference پانزدهمين همايش بين المللي علوم و فناوري پليمر (ISPST 2022)
Beaded Superabsorbent Hydrogels based on Starch-g-poly (acrylic acid) assisted by Cellulose Nanofibers for Cu2+ Ions Removal 1401 08 Conference پانزدهمين همايش بين المللي علوم و فناوري پليمر (ISPST 2022)
3D printing of alginate/gelatin scaffold reinforced by nanofibers with hydroxyapatite coating for bone tissue engineering 1401 08 Conference پانزدهمين همايش بين المللي علوم و فناوري پليمر (ISPST 2022)
Beaded Superabsorbent Hydrogels based on Starch-g-poly (acrylic acid) assisted by Cellulose Nanofibers for Cu2+ Ions Removal 1401 08 Conference پانزدهمين همايش بين المللي علوم و فناوري پليمر (ISPST 2022)
Fabrication and characterization of 3D bio-printed electroconductive hydrogel scaffold based on Alginate and its application in cardiac tissue engineering 1401 08 Conference پانزدهمين همايش بين المللي علوم و فناوري پليمر (ISPST 2022)
Optimization and characterization of polyhydroxybutyrate/lignin electro-spun scaffolds for tissue engineering applications NULL 1401 07 Journal
Effect of cellulose nanofibers on polyhydroxybutyrate electrospun scaffold for bone tissue engineering applications 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2022.09.118 1401 06 Journal
Isolation and characterization of lignin-rich particles as byproducts of bioethanol production from wheat straw to reinforce starch composite films 10.1016/j.indcrop.2022.115175 1401 03 Journal
Development of a continuous fixed-bed column to eliminate cadmium(II) ions by starch-g-poly(acrylic acid)/cellulose nanofiber bio-nanocomposite hydrogel 10.1007/s11356-021-14567-1 1400 08 Journal
Oriented polylactic acid/graphene oxide nanocomposites with high mechanical and thermal properties 10.1177/08927057211038625 1400 05 Journal
Incorporation of Extracted Mucor indicus Fungus Chitin Nanofibers into Starch Biopolymer: Morphological, Physical, and Mechanical Evaluation 10.1002/star.202000218 1400 04 Journal