Free vibration analysis of nonlocal nanobeams: a comparison of the one-dimensional nonlocal integral Timoshenko beam theory with the two-dimensional nonlocal integral elasticity theory |
10.1177/10812865211031278 |
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Effect of a thermodynamically consistent interface stress on thermal-induced nanovoid evolution in NiAl |
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Nonlocal integral elasticity based phase field modelling and simulations of nanoscale thermal- and stress-induced martensitic transformations using a boundary effect compensation kernel |
10.1016/j.commatsci.2021.110429 |
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A comparative study of 1D nonlocal integral Timoshenko beam and 2D nonlocal integral elasticity theories for bending of nanoscale beams |
10.1007/s00161-021-00976-7 |
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The effect of a pre-existing nanovoid on martensite formation and interface propagation: a phase field study |
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Finite element analysis of coupled phase-field and thermoelasticity equations at large strains for martensitic phase transformations based on implicit and explicit time discretization schemes |
10.1080/15376494.2020.1870780 |
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anovoid induced martensitic growth under uniaxial stress: Effect of misfit strain, temperature and nanovoid size on PT threshold stress and nanostructure in NiAl |
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Nanovoid induced multivariant martensitic growth under negative pressure: Effect of misfit strain and temperature on PT threshold stress and phase evolution |
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Explicit nonlinear finite element approach to the Lagrangian-based coupled phase field and elasticity equations for nanoscale thermal- and stress-induced martensitic transformations |
10.1007/s00161-020-00912-1 |
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On the phase field modeling of crack growth and analytical treatment on the parameters |
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Phase field modeling of crack growth with double-well potential including surface effects |
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Phase field approach for void dynamics with interface stresses at the nanoscale |
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Formation of stress-and thermal-induced martensitic nanostructures in a single crystal with phase-dependent elastic properties |
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Thermal induced nanovoid evolution in the vicinity of an immobile austenite-martensite interface |
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تحليل المان محدود معادلات ميدان فاز در استحالههاي مارتنزيتي در ابعاد نانو |
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Investigating the effect of elastic anisotropy on martensitic phase transformations at the nanoscale |
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مطالعه ديناميك نانوحفره با در نظر گرفتن مدول يانگ و انرژي تشكيل حفره وابسته به دما با استفاده از روش ميدان فاز در نيكل |
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Phase field approach for nanoscale interactions between crack propagation and phase transformation |
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بررسي خواص ارتعاشي و ميرايي كامپوزيت هاي گرافيت نانوپليتلت/اپوكسي |
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Mathematical Modeling of Batch Adsorption Kinetics of Lead Ions on Modified Natural Zeolite from Aqueous Media |
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