
type: Journal
Title DOI Year Month type
A chain link mandrel for rotary draw bending experimental and finite element study of operation NULL 1394 04 Journal
Effect of grain size on ultrasonic softening of pure aluminum NULL 1394 03 Journal
كاهش نيروي نامتوازن در فرآيند شكل دهي چرخشي چند غلتكه لوله با تنظيم موقعيت شعاعي غلتك ها NULL 1394 01 Journal
An in vitro study of thermal necrosis in ultrasonic-assisted drilling of bone NULL 1393 12 Journal
Improvement of ECAP process by imposing ultrasonic vibrations NULL 1393 11 Journal
Stress analysis of mandibular implant-retainedoverdenture with independent attachment system NULL 1393 10 Journal
Simulation of hot forming processes Using cost effective micro-structural constitutive models NULL 1393 02 Journal
بررسي سوراخكاري استخوان با درل دوراني ارتعاشي در كاهش نكروز حرارتي NULL 1393 01 Journal
An approach to improve thickness distribution and corner filling of copper tubes during hydro-forming processes NULL 1392 12 Journal
Finite element analysis of ultrasonic-assisted equal channel angular pressing NULL 1392 09 Journal
Investigation into the effects of process parameters on bending angle in the laser bending of tailor machined blanks based on a statistical analysis NULL 1392 08 Journal
A micro-structural model for prediction of void initiation in superplastic forming NULL 1392 08 Journal
Investigation of a new route for equal channel angular pressing process using three-dimensional finite element method NULL 1392 07 Journal
Experimental and numerical investigation of spiral irradiating scheme for flame forming of a bowl shaped surface NULL 1392 07 Journal
A New Approach for Determining the Optimum Pressure Time Diagram in Superplastic Forming Process NULL 1392 06 Journal
A study on laser bending of tailor machined blanks with various irradiating schemes NULL 1392 01 Journal
A Novel Approach in Manufacturing Two-Steped Tubes using a Multi-Stage Die in Tube Hydroforming Process NULL 1392 01 Journal
Calculating the Lamb wave modes in an aluminum sheet bonded to a composite layer with FEM NULL 1391 12 Journal
type: Conference
Title Year Month type Conference Title
Investigations on the ultrasonic assistance in the tube hydroforming process 1392 02 Conference 21st Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering(ISME2013)