
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Performance of different integration schemes in facing discontinuities in the Finite Cell Method # Journal
Stability Analysis of Carbon Nanotubes Based on a Novel Beam Model and Its Comparison with Sanders Shell Model and Molecular Dynamics Simulations # Journal
Thermal effect on dynamic stability of single-walled carbon nanotubes in low and high temperatures based on nonlocal shell theory # Journal
Buckling analysis of short carbon nanotubes based on a novel Timoshenko beam model # Journal
Comparison of rupture modes in deep drawing and hydro-mechanical deep drawing processes using ductile damage model # Journal
Magnetothermoelastic transient response of a functionally graded thick hollow sphere subjected to magnetic and thermoelastic fields # Journal
Localized edge buckling in cold roll-forming of circular tube section # Journal
Localised edge buckling in cold roll-forming of symmetric channel section # Journal
تحليل رفتار الاستيك-پلاستيك لوله ي طويل تحت بار جانبي متمركز به روش اجزاي محدود # Journal
The overstrain of thick-walled cylinders considering the Bauschinger effect factor (BEF) # Journal
The Bauschinger and Hardening Effect on Residual Stresses in Thick-walled Cylinders of SUS 304 # Journal
The Bauschinger and Hardening Effect on Residual Stress in Thick-Walled Cylinders of SUS304 # Journal
The Overstrain of Thick-Walled Cylinder Considering the BEF # Journal
Reverse Yielding and Bauschinger Effect on Residual Stresses in Thick-Walled Cylinders # Journal
بررسي تجربي فروپاشي ناوداني ساده تحت بار جانبي # Journal
تحليل نظري ايرونينگ دواره ها براي اجسام كار سخت وغير ايز و ب # Journal
طراحي بهينه پيش فرم آهنگري با كاربست الگوريتم ژنتيك # - Journal
Localised Edge Cold Rolling -Forming of Symetric Channel Section # - Journal
پاسخ تحليلي و دقيق كمانش نانوتيرها بر پايه تئوري الاستيسيته ناموضعي تير تيموشنكو و كاربرد آن در تحليل نانولوله هاي كربني Conference
Thermal effect on dynamic stability of single-walled carbon nanotubes in low and high temperatures based on nonlocal shell theory Conference