
type: Journal
Title DOI Year Month type
پايه مرزي ايده آل نقاط و كاربرد آن در مسئله طرح آزمايش ها و رگرسيون NULL 1399 10 Journal
Deterministic normal position transformation and its applications 10.1016/j.tcs.2020.07.025 1399 07 Journal
Intrinsic complexity for constructing zero-Dimensional Grobner bases NULL 1399 07 Journal
Computing H-bases via minimal bases for syzygy modules 10.1080/03081087.2018.1539464 1399 04 Journal
Degree Upper Bounds for Involutive Bases NULL 1399 03 Journal
Dimension and depth dependent upper bounds in polynomial ideal theory NULL 1399 01 Journal
Compact Packings of the Plane with Three Sizes of Discs (full paper) 10.1007/s00454-019-00166-y 1398 11 Journal
Computing Coupled Border Bases NULL 1398 10 Journal
Refined algorithm to compute minimal H-bases NULL 1398 07 Journal
Parametric Standard Bases and Their Applications NULL 1398 04 Journal
Computing all border bases for ideals of points 10.1142/S0219498819501020 1398 02 Journal
Compact Packings of the Plane with Three Sizes of Discs NULL 1398 01 Journal
Nther Bases and Their Applications NULL 1397 11 Journal
Grobner bases and multi-dimensional persistent bifurcation diagram classifications NULL 1397 10 Journal
Grbner bases and multi-dimensional persistent bifurcation diagram classifications 10.1145/3338637.3338640 1397 09 Journal
حل دستگاه هاي معادالت همنهشتي خطي روي برخي حلقه ها بهكمك تجزيه هايي از مدولها NULL 1397 07 Journal
type: Conference
Title Year Month type Conference Title
An Involutive GVW Algorithm and the Computation of Pommaret Bases 1399 06 Conference Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing 2020
Relative Grobner and Involutive Bases for Ideals in Quotient Rings 1399 06 Conference Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing 2020
يك نسخه قضيه شراير براي اچ-پايه ها 1397 06 Conference چهل و نهمين كنفرانس ملي رياضي ايران