
type: Journal
Title DOI Year Month type
A New Approach to Orphan Blocks in the Nakamoto Consensus Blockchain NULL 1402 01 Journal
Lagrangian Cooperation (LC): A Fog Node Cooperation Algorithm for Smart Cities 10.1109/LCOMM.2022.3168500 1401 04 Journal
A Graph-based Online Feature Selection to Improve Detection of New Attacks. NULL 1401 04 Journal
Node cooperation for workload offloading in a fog computing network via multi-objective optimization NULL 1401 03 Journal
ITL-IDS: Incremental Transfer Learning for Intrusion Detection Systems NULL 1400 07 Journal
TGSM: Towards trustworthy group-based service management for social IoT NULL 1399 12 Journal
Shortest Path Computation in a Network with Multiple Destinations NULL 1398 11 Journal
A real-time alert correlation method based on code-books for intrusion detection systems NULL 1398 10 Journal
Ingredients to enhance the performance of two-stage TCAM-based packet classifiers in internet of things: greedy layering, bit auctioning and range encoding NULL 1398 09 Journal
A novel online state-based anomaly detection system for process control networks NULL 1398 09 Journal
Encrypted Traffic Classification Using Statistical Features NULL 1396 10 Journal
Online assignment of non-SDN virtual network nodes to a physical SDN 10.1016/j.comnet.2017.09.004 1396 09 Journal
An analytical model for delay bound of OpenFlow based SDN using network calculus 10.1016/j.jnca.2017.08.002 1396 07 Journal
A Hybrid Method based on Statistical Features and Packet Content Analysis to Identify Major Network Tunneling Protocols NULL 1396 03 Journal
An incremental intrusion detection system using a new semi-supervised stream classification method NULL 1394 03 Journal
type: Conference
Title Year Month type Conference Title
Using the artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm in collaboration with the fog nodes in the Internet of Things three-layer architecture 1400 02 Conference 29th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)
Using the cuckoo algorithm to optimizing the response time and energy consumption cost of fog nodes by considering collaboration in the fog layer 1400 02 Conference پنجمين كنفرانس بين المللي اينترنت اشيا و كاربردهاي آن
Enhancing Users' Quality of Experienced with Minimum Energy Consumption by Fog Nodes Cooperation in Internet of Things 1399 03 Conference بيست و هشتمين كنفرانس ملي مهندسي برق ايران
انتخاب ويژگي برخط مبتني بر گراف به منظور افزايش دقت در تشخيص حملات جديد در سيستمهاي تشخيص نفوذ 1394 12 Conference بيست و يكمين كنفرانس ملي كامپيوتر ايران
تشخيص پروتكل هاي تونلينگ با استفاده از پيماش سبك بسته ها 1394 06 Conference دوازدهمين كنفرانس بين المللي انجمن رمز ايران