
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Numerical Investigation of Current Density of a Microbial Fuel Cell 1390 08 Conference 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress Exhibition
Cost Minimization by Genetic Algorithm and Energy Consumption Investigation in Separation of Ternary Mixture 1390 08 Conference 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress Exhibition
Experimental investigation of mass transfer coefficient of gas absorption in nanofluid in the presence of electric field 1390 08 Conference 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress Exhibition
Turbulent events and gas side mass transfer coefficients in a wavy air-water stratified flow NULL 1390 04 Journal
Comparison of conduction based and mediator based models for microbial fuell cells NULL 1390 04 Journal
EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF NANOFLUID POOL BOILING UNDER ELECTRIC FIELD 1390 03 Conference International Symposium on Thermal and Materials Nanoscience and Nanotechnology(TMNN-2011)
Pool Boiling Investigation of Al2O3/Water Nanofluid on Flat Plate 1390 03 Conference International Symposium on Thermal and Materials Nanoscience and Nanotechnology(TMNN-2011)
EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF NATURAL CONVECTION HEAT TRANSFER OF Fe3O4/ ETHYLENE GLYCOL NANOFLUID UNDER MAGNETIC FIELD 1390 03 Conference International Symposium on Thermal and Materials Nanoscience and Nanotechnology(TMNN-2011)
Laminar Forced Convective Mass Transfer of Nanofluids in a circular Tube 1390 03 Conference International Symposium on Thermal and Materials Nanoscience and Nanotechnology(TMNN-2011)
EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECTS OF EXTERNAL ELECTRIC FIELD ON VISCOSITY OF Fe3O4-EG NANOFLUID 1390 03 Conference International Symposium on Thermal and Materials Nanoscience and Nanotechnology(TMNN-2011)
Enhancement of dimethyl ether production with application of hydrogen-permselective Pd-based membrane in fluidized bed reactor NULL 1390 01 Journal
Comparison of the effect of nano ZnO and conventional grade ZnO on the cross linking densities of NR/BR and NR/SBR blends NULL 1390 01 Journal
Vinyl chloride removal from an air stream by biotrickling filter NULL 1390 01 Journal
Natural convective heat transfer of Fe3O4/ethylene glycol nanofluid in electric field NULL 1390 01 Journal
Experimental investigation of pool boiling of Fe3O4/ethylene glycole-water nanofluid in electric field NULL 1390 01 Journal
بررسي عددي جريان ناآرام در خم نود درجه نوسان كننده NULL 1389 10 Journal
Investigation of the natural convection of Fe3O4/ethylene glycole nanofluid from a line source of heat 1389 09 Conference International conference on Applied Mechanics Materials and Manufacturing
Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Fluid Flow in a Novel Rotating Packed Bed 1389 08 Conference The 13th Iranian National Chemical Engineering Congress 1st International Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Conference
Simulation and experimental validation on distillation columns performance trays versus structured packings 1389 08 Conference The 13th Iranian National Chemical Engineering Congress 1st International Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Conference
Heat transfer enhancement by application of nano-powder NULL 1389 06 Journal