Tailored Morphology in Polystyrene/Poly(lactic acid) Blend Particles: Solvent's Effect on Controlled Janus/Core-Shell Structures |
10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c02103 |
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Synthesis and characterization of azodianiline covalent organic frameworks intended for energy storage |
10.1016/j.molstruc.2023.135647 |
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شبيه سازي مولكولي جذب سطحي پلي اكسازولين بر روي نانوصفحه گرافن |
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سنتز و مشخصه يابي پليمر آلي متخلخل بر پايه دي آمين و تري آلدهيد جهت ذخيره سازي انرژي الكتروشيميايي |
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Rheology-morphology interrelationship in high-density polyethylene/polyamide-6 microfibrillar composites |
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Molecular Simulation Study on Brushes of Poly (2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) |
10.1016/j.mtcomm.2019.100681 |
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E?ect of silica nanoparticles on surface properties particle size, and distribution of poly (methyl methacrylate-co-butyl acrylate-co-acrylic acid) synthesized by in situ emulsion polymerization |
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Surface modification of Nizimuddinia zanardini and Stoechospermum marginatum using 4-phenyl-3-thiosemicarbazide to improve heavy metals biosorption from water |
10.1007/s13762-017-1441-9 |
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Effects of Carbon Nanofiller Characteristics on PTT Chain Conformation and Dynamics A Computational Study |
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Enhanced Biogas and Biohydrogen Production from Cotton Plant Wastes Using Alkaline Pretreatment |
10.1021/acs.energyfuels.6b01999 |
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Adsorption of poly(ethylene succinate) chain onto graphenenanosheets A molecular simulation |
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Impregnation of polyurethane foam with activated carbon for enhancing oil removal from water |
10.1007/s13762-015-0908-9 |
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Molecular Dynamics Insights into Behavior of Poly(ethylene succinate) Single Chain on Carbon Nanotube Surface |
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Enhanced biogas production from sunflower stalks usinghydrothermal and organosolv pretreatment |
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Enhancing Oil Removal from Water by Immobilizing Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes on the Surface of Polyurethane Foam |
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Bacteriostatic activity of fluoroquinolone coatings on polyethylene films |
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Removal of oil from water using polyurethane foam modified with nanoclay |
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Otostegia persica biomass as a new biosorbent for the removal of Lead from aqueous solutions |
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Antibacterial Performance of Alginic Acid Coating on Polyethylene Film |
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crystallization and melting behavior of polyethylene succinate in presence of graphene nanoplatelets |
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