Bronsted acidic ionic liquid as an efficient and catalyst for one -pot synthes of 1-amidoalkyl 2-naphthols under solvent-free condition |
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Nano Zero-valent iron removal of nikel and cobalt from wastwater |
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Investigation of the Thermal Conductivity Viscosity and mending effect of Cu Cuo and TiO2 nanoparticles |
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The magnetic properties of Fe3O4 nanoparticle with different Coats and Hydrodynamic diameters |
Conference |
Viscosity and Rhological properties of Nanofluids (TIo2/PG) |
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removal of nickel from water and waste waters using nano zero valent iron (nZVI) |
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K2FeZrP3O412 an efficent catalyst for friedel -Craft alkylation under solvent - frre condition |
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Friction theory for calculation of th viscosity of dense fluids |
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Anew way for the calculation of viscosity of binary mixtures over a wide pressure rang |
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Viscosity Calculation of supercritical gases based on the hard spere model |
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Calculation of the viscosity of super criyical fluids based on the modified Enskog theory |
Conference |
Using Artificial Neural networks for prediction of fluids thermal conductivity over a wide range of temperatute and pressure |
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Zr(HSO4)4 catalyzed one-pot streker synthesis of alpha- amono nitriles from aldehydes and ketones under solvent-free condition |
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Neural network modeling for prediction of thermal conductivity of gases and liquids |
Conference |
Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Mobilities of Halide Ions in Argon and Helium |
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New correlation function for the calculation of the transport properties of gases near the crirical state |
Conference |
A new correlation function for the thermal conductivity of gases over a wide temperature and pressure ranges |
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prediction of the viscosity of supercritical gases and refrigrant at high pressure |
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calculation of the viscosity of fluid using the modified Enskog theory via two new correlation function for the Co volume and thermal pressure |
Conference |