Behavior of RC columns and those strengthened with FRP composite under an innovative reversing cyclic eccentric axial loading |
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Obtaining the strength parameters of concrete using drilling data |
10.1016/j.jobe.2021.102181 |
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Effect of Hydraulic Parameters on Abrasion Erosion of Fiber Reinforced Concrete in Hydraulic Structures |
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بررسي خواص مكانيكي بتن فوق توانمند غير مسلح شده به الياف فولادي، پلي پروپيلن و پلي وينيل الكل |
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Regression and ANN models for durability and mechanical characteristics of waste ceramic powder high |
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بررسي خواص مكانيكي بتن فوق توانمند غير مسلح و مسلح شده به الياف فولادي، پلي پروپيلن و پلي وينيل الكل |
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Innovative warp and woof strap (WWS) method to anchor the FRP sheets in strengthened concrete beams |
10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.05.117 |
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Effects of Midlayer Used in FRP Confinement of RC Columns |
10.1061/(ASCE)CC.1943-5614.0000925 |
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Effects of coarse aggregate volume on CFRP-concrete bond strength and behavior |
10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.11.188 |
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Effects of Mid-Layer Used in the FRP-Confinement of RC Columns |
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Experimental Study on Postponing the Deboning of FRP Sheets in Masonry Walls |
10.1080/15583058.2018.1542465 |
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Investigation of gamma radiation attenuation in heavy concrete shields containing hematite and barite aggregates in multi-layered and mixed forms |
10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.06.032 |
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بررسي تاثير روش هاي مختلف اتصال صفحاتGFRP بر شكل پذيري و رفتار درون صفحه اي ديوارهاي بنايي |
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Effects of bacterial remediation on compressive strength water absorption and chloride permeability of lightweight aggregate concrete |
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Use of carbonate precipitating bacteria to reduce water absorption of aggregates |
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بررسي اثرات لايه ي مياني در محصورشدگي ستون هاي بتن آرمه ي تقويت شده باورقه هاي CFRP |
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Using Boring to Postpone Debonding of CFRP-Composite Concrete Beams |
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اثرات آرايش ميلگرد بر فواصل و عرض ترك هاي خمشي در تيرهاي بتن آرمه تقويت شده با صفحات CFRP |
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بررسي تاثير بكارگيري مقادير مختلف ميكروسيليس بر روي خواص بتن حاوي سنگدانه هاي طبيعي و مصنوعي سبك |
Conference |
بررسي مشخصات مكانيكي بتن پليمري غير مسلح و مسلح با الياف بازالت و شيشه |
Conference |