
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Transfer-matrix formulation of the scattering of electromagnetic waves and broadband invisibility in three dimensions 10.1088/1751-8121/ab7669 Journal
Quantum of the bare cosmological constant 10.1093/ptep/ptaa039 Journal
Exactness of the Born approximation and broadband unidirectional invisibility in two dimensions 10.1103/PhysRevA.100.053846 Journal
Potentials with identical scattering properties below a critical energy 10.1063/1.5054759 Journal
Exact solution of the two-dimensional scattering problem for a class of -function potentials supported on subsets of a line # Journal
Fermionic one-particle states in curved spacetimes # Journal
Class of exactly solvable scattering potentials in two dimensions entangled-state pair generation and a grazing-angle resonance effect 10.1103/PhysRevA.96.063837 Journal
Perfect broadband invisibility in isotropic media with gain and loss 10.1364/OL.42.005250 Journal
Chiral fermions on 2D curved space-times # Journal
Decoherence in quantum systems in a static gravitational field # Journal
Non-chiral 2d CFT with integer energy levels # Journal
Unidirectional invisibility and non-reciprocal transmission in two and three dimensions # Journal
Transfer matrix formulation of scattering theory in two and three dimensions # Journal
Composition of transfer matrices for potentials with overlapping support # Journal
Holographic anomaly in 3d f(Ric) gravity # Journal
Gravity/CFT correspondence for three-dimensional Einstein gravity with a conformal scalar field # Journal
افت و خيزهاي برداري حول جواب وسون # Journal
Orientifolded locally AdS3 geometries # Journal
Beyond logarithmic corrections to Cardy formula # Journal
O-BTZ Orientifolded BTZ black hole # Journal