Uncertainty Consideration in Rock Mass Blastability Assessment in Open Pit Mines using Monte Carlo Simulation |
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Selection of Suitable Drilling Method in Razgah Nepheline Syenite Mine, a Systematic Approach |
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A Data Driven Decision Making Approach for Longwall Mining Production Enhancement |
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Comparison between Simulation and Analytical Methods in Reliability Data Analysis: A Case Study on Face Drilling Rigs |
10.3390/data3020012 |
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Simulation of tunnel boring machine utilization A case study |
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Effects of microfabric on drillability of rocks |
10.1007/s10064-017-1188-z |
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Rock Penetrability Classification Using Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithm and Self-Organizing Map |
10.1007/s10706-017-0394-6 |
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Health risk of whole body vibration in mining trucks during various operational conditions |
10.1007/s11771-017-3589-3 |
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Context-driven mean residual life estimation of mining machinery |
10.1080/17480930.2017.1308067 |
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اصلاح شاخص سايش شيمازك به منظور بهبود كاربرد هاي آن در مهندسي سنگ |
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ارزيابي مزاياي استفاده از فناوري اتوماسيون در ناوگان كاميونهاي معادن روباز |
Conference |
بررسي تأثير اتوماسيون بر كيفيت و قابليت توليد عمليات حفاري در معادن روباز |
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ارزيابي سايش سنگهاي ساختماني: انتقادي به روشهاي موجود |
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A Roadmap for Lean Maintenance of Mining Machinery |
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مزايا و چالش هاي استفاده از رايانش ابري در مديريت تعمير و نگهداري ماشين آلات معدني |
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Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) in Automated Mining Machinery |
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Whole Body Vibration Assessment of the Mining Truck Drivers a Case Study |
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تحليل شاخص بهره وري ناوگان شاول در معدن مس آيتيك سوئد |
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