
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
The effects of subcooled temperatures on transient pool boiling of deionized water under atmospheric pressure # Journal
مطالعه پارامتري اثرتجمع يخ بر عملكرد آئروديناميك ايرفويل NACA0012 با استفاده از FENSAP-ICE # Journal
Investigation of naturally ventilated shavadoons component: Architectural underground pattern on ventilation 10.1016/j.tust.2019.05.020 Journal
Experimental study of the time period of continued heating rate on the pool boiling characteristics of saturated water 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2019.03.083 Journal
Study of Pulsatile Flow in Common Carotid Artery with Different Stenosis Shapes within Various Wall Conditions # Journal
Numerical study of effects of Shavadoon connections (a vernacular architectural pattern) on improvement of natural ventilation 10.1016/j.tust.2018.08.045 Journal
Flow characteristics of a centrifugal pump with different impeller trimming methods # Journal
Using Porous Media to Improve the Performance of a Wavy-tube Heat Exchanger # Journal
Numerical investigation of serrated fins on natural convection from concentric and eccentric annuli with different cross sections # Journal
Numerical study of mixed convection heat transfer inside a vertical microchannel with two-phase approach 10.1007/s10973-018-7460-z Journal
Optimal distribution of metal foam inserts in a double-pipe heat exchanger 10.1108/HFF-04-2018-0162 Journal
The optimum position of impeller splitter blades of a centrifugal pump equipped with vaned diffuser # Journal
بررسي تجربي ساختار جريان تك موج عبوري از روي يك مانع مستطيلي با استفاده از تكنيك PIV # Journal
Investigation of Heat transfer in mechanical draft wet cooling towers using infrared thermal images An experimental study 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2017.11.031 Journal
Using Porous Media to Enhancement of Heat Transfer in Heat Exchangers 10.24001/ijaems.3.11.5 Journal
Experimental Study of Flow Structures of a Solitary Wave Propagating over a Submerged Thin Plate in Different Angles using PIV Technique # Journal
Numerical study of low Reynolds inertial impactors with elliptical impaction plate # Journal
Experimental and numerical investigation on forced convection heat transfer and pressure drop in helically coiled pipes using TiO2/water nanofluid 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2016.11.014 Journal
The effects of rectangular riblets on rectangular micro air vehicles for drag reduction 10.1177/0954410016638868 Journal
Effect of Reverting Channels on Heat Transfer Performance of Microchannels with Different Geometries # Journal