
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Effect of Grinding on the Residual Stress and Adhesion Strength of HVOF Thermally Sprayed WC-10Co-4Cr Coating NULL 1393 05 Journal
Microstructural evolution of nanosized tungsten carbide during heatup stage of sintering of electroless nickel-coated nanostructured WC-Co powder NULL 1393 04 Journal
Formation mechanism of B4C TiB2 TiC ceramic composite NULL 1393 04 Journal
Preparation andoxidation behavior of B4C Ni andB4C TiB2 TiC Ni composite coatings produced by an HVOF process NULL 1393 01 Journal
Optical and mechanical properties of transparent acrylic based polyurethane nano silica composite coatings NULL 1393 01 Journal
On corrosion behaviour of HVOF sprayed Ni3Si intermetallic powders NULL 1393 01 Journal
Grinding Force Specific Energy and Material Removal Mechanism in Grinding of HVOF-Sprayed WC-Co_Cr Coating NULL 1392 12 Journal
Corrosion resistance of HVOF-sprayed Ni2Si intermetallic coatings in hot H2SO4 medium NULL 1392 11 Journal
Microstructures and properties of NiAl-TiC nanocomposite coatings on carbon steel surfaces produced by mechanical alloying technique NULL 1392 10 Journal
Microstructural and mechanical characterizations of a novel HVOF-sprayed WC-Co coating deposited from electroless Ni-P coated WC-12Co powder NULL 1392 09 Journal
Influence of annealing temperature on the structure and properties of the nanograined NiAl intermetallic coatings produced by using mechanical alloying NULL 1392 09 Journal
Fabrication and corrosion resistance of HVOF-sprayed Ni2Si intermetallic compound NULL 1392 08 Journal
Comparison between oxidation kinetics of HVOF sprayed WC-12Co and WC-10Co-4Cr coatings NULL 1392 08 Journal
مشخصه يابي پوشش هاي پايه اكسيد آهن ايجاد شده در فرايند پاشش حرارتي 1392 08 Conference The second International and The Seventh Joint Conference of Iranian Metallurgical engineering and Iranian Foundrymen Scientific Societies
بررسي عوامل موتر بر فعاليت فتوكاتاليتيكي پوشش پايه ي اكسيد آهن ايجاد شده توسط فرابند پاشش شعله اي 1392 08 Conference The second International and The Seventh Joint Conference of Iranian Metallurgical engineering and Iranian Foundrymen Scientific Societies
Improvement in tribological properties of HVOF sprayed WC-Co coatings using electroless Ni-P coated feedstock powders NULL 1392 07 Journal
جايگزين سازي پوشش سرمتي كاربيد تنگستن به روش پاشش حرارتي HVOF براي اعمال بر ساپورت بالگرد 1392 07 Conference چهاردهمين سمينار ملي مهندسي سطح
بهينه سازي و بررسي رفتار سايشي روكش كاري سخت سوپرآلياژ استلايت 6 بر روي زير لايه اينكونل 617 1392 07 Conference چهاردهمين سمينار ملي مهندسي سطح
پاشش شعله اي اكسيد آهن براي كاربردهاي فتوكاتاليتيكي 1392 07 Conference چهاردهمين سمينار ملي مهندسي سطح
ايجاد پوشش الكترولس نيكل فسفر روي پودركاربيد تنگستن-كبالت و تعيين ظرفيت حمام 1392 07 Conference چهاردهمين سمينار ملي مهندسي سطح