Application of Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm to Long Term Generation Expansion Planning |
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برنامه ريزي توسعه توليد با استفاده از الگوريتم اصلاح شده SFL |
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حل مس له توزيع اقتصادي بار نامحدب با استفاده از الگوريتم تركيبي جديد جهش قورباغه ها |
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A Comprehensive Model for Zonal Short Term Load Forecasting |
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پالايش داده هاي آموزشي شبكه عصبي و بررسي تاثير آن در كاهش خطاي پيش بيني كوتاه مدت بار سيستمهاي قدرت |
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A Simple Approach to Construct the Bayesian Network Associated with Electric Transmission Systems |
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A New Analytical Method for Impact Evaluation of Distributed Generation on Distribution System Reliability |
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تشخيص شكستگي ميله هاي روتور موتور القايي به كمك طيف ارتعاش در حضور مولفه هاي زائد فركانسي |
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ورود و خروج واحدهاي نيروگاهي مبتني بر الگوريتم اجتماع مورچگان |
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Multi-Criteria Unit Commitment with Flexible Constraints and Uncertain Coefficients |
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بهره برداري بهينه از سيستمهاي قدرت به روش تركيب برنامه ريزي خطي و پوياي فازي |
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Multi_criteria Load Dispatch with Fuzzy Constraints |
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Adequacy Assessment of Power Systems Containing Wind Farm Subjected to Expansion |
Conference |
Advanced Load Management Effects on Smart Grid Reliability The need for new reliability indices |
Conference |
Power System Stabilization using Brain Emotional Learning Based Intelligent Controller |
Conference |
Comparing the impact of wind speed pattern variation on reliability indices of power system containing different size of wind farms |
Conference |
Considering the Rare Events in Construction of Bayesian Network Associated with Power Systems |
Conference |
Selecting the wind site location and wind turbine rated power based on reliability indices of power system |
Conference |
An Improved Method for Hourly Reliability Ranking of Distribution Network Zones |
Conference |
Application of Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm to Long Term Generation Expansion Planning |
Conference |