
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
The wake of a wall-mounted rectangular cylinder: Cross-sectional aspect ratio effect 10.1016/j.jweia.2021.104615 Journal
Fluid flow and heat transfer around single and tandem square cylinders subjected to shear flow # Journal
Effect of cylinder corner radius and attack angle on heat transfer and flow topology 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2020.105566 Journal
Modulation of aerodynamic characteristics of a finite wall-mounted square cylinder through steady jet injection 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2019.109976 Journal
Control of flow and heat transfer over two inline square cylinders 10.1063/1.5128751 Journal
Controlled flow over a finite square cylinder using suction and blowing 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2019.04.013 Journal
NULL # Journal
Experimental study of the flow around two finite square cylinders # Journal
Control of vortex shedding forces and heat transfer from a square cylinder at incidence by suction and blowing # Journal
Feature of the flow over a finite length square cylinder on a wall at various incidence angles # Journal
شبيه سازي عددي جريان آشفته كانال نيم موج با سطوح آبدوست و آبگريز # Journal
Low-Reynolds-number flow around a wall-mounted square cylinder Flow structures and onset of vortex shedding 10.1063/1.4989745 Journal
Identification of flow regimes around two staggered square cylinders by a numerical study # Journal
Numerical investigation of heat transfer and pressure drop in a rotating U-shaped hydrophobic microchannel with slip flow and temperature jump boundary conditions # Journal
Thermal performance evaluation of the rotating U-shaped micro/mini/macrochannels using water and nanofluids 10.1080/10407782.2016.1193338 Journal
Numerical Investigation of Forced Convection Flow of Nanofluids in Rotating U-Shaped Smooth and Ribbed Channels # Journal
An experimental study on the evaluation of natural ventilation performance of a two-sided wind-catcher for various wind angles # Journal
Numerical investigation for finding the appropriate design parameters of a fin-and-tube heat exchanger with delta-winglet vortex generators # Journal
Study of hysteresis associated with power-law fluids past square prisms arranged in tandem # Journal
A smoke visualization study of the flow over a square cylinder at incidence and tandem square cylinders # Journal