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High Impedance Fault Detection in Power Transmission Lines Using Hilbert Transform and Instantaneous Frequency |
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ارائه يك استراتژي جديد مبتني بر شبكه عصبي GMDH براي تشخيص جريان هجومي و جلوگيري از عملكرد نادرست رله ديفرانسيل در ترانسفورماتورهاي قدرت |
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ارائه يك روش جديد بهينه سازي آرايش خطوط شبكه توزيع توسط يك الگوريتم بهينه سازي بهبود يافته در حضور منابع توليد پراكنده |
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A Moving Window Numerical Distance Protection Based on Flat-Top Signal Windowing |
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Comprehensive power swing detection by current signal modeling and prediction using the GMDH method |
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Decentralized Adaptive Protection Coordination Based on Agents Social Activities for Microgrids With Topological and Operational Uncertainties |
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Presenting New Triple Methods for Fault Detection, Location, and Its Identification in DC Microgrid |
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A New Power Swing Detection Method Based on Hilbert Transform |
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Power swing detection and blocking of the third zone of distance relays by the combined use of empirical mode decomposition and Hilbert transform |
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