
type: Journal
Title DOI Year Month type
مدل سازي روند انباشتگي روي و عدم قطعيت آن در خاك هاي كشاورزي برخي مناطق خشك و نيمه خشك ايران NULL 1391 07 Journal
Prediction of soil physical and mechanical properties by optimized support vector machines NULL 1391 01 Journal
Identification and prioritization of critical sub-basins in a highly mountainous watershed using SWAT model NULL 1391 01 Journal
Soil shear strength prediction using intelligent systems artificial neural networks and an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system NULL 1391 01 Journal
اثر افزودن ذرات لاستيك فرسوده بر برخي ويژگي هاي شيميايي يك خاك آهكي NULL 1391 01 Journal
Land use change effects on carbohydrate fractions total and particulate organic matter of forest soil in central Zagros mantaines NULL 1390 12 Journal
Response of three Calligonum species to salinity at germination and seedling stages NULL 1390 06 Journal
توزيع كربن آلي، نيتروژن و كربوهيدراتها در خاك دانه هاي اراضي بياباني و كشاورزي مركزي ايران NULL 1390 06 Journal
تصميم گيري بر اساس الگوريتم ژنتيك براي انتخاب گياه مناسب به منظور گياه پالايي خاكهاي آلوده به نفت NULL 1390 05 Journal
گياه پالايي هيدروكربنهاي نفتي لجن فاضلاب پالايشگاه اصفهان NULL 1390 04 Journal
type: Conference
Title Year Month type Conference Title
Modeling of Nitrate Leaching From a Potato Field Using HYDRUS-2D 1391 02 Conference 8th International Soil Science Congress on Land Degradation and Challenges in Sustainable Soil Management
Identification and Prioritization of Critical Sub-Basins in A Highly Mountainous Watershed Using SWAT model 1391 02 Conference 8th International Soil Science Congress on Land Degradation and Challenges in Sustainable Soil Management
Using gamma test to determine the optimum input variables for soil shear strength prediction by neural networks 1391 02 Conference 8th International Soil Science Congress on Land Degradation and Challenges in Sustainable Soil Management
افزايش كارائي گياه پالائي برخي آلاينده هاي آلي و معدني در خاك با استفاده از قارچهاي اندوفايت 1390 11 Conference اولين همايش ملي گياه پالايي
اثر اختلاط سطوح مختلف زئوليت با خاك و كاربرد پساب كارخانه پلي اكريل بركادميم درگياه شاهي 1390 09 Conference نخستين كنفرانس ملي هواشناسي و مديريت آب كشاورزي
Role of Piriformospora indica in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) resistance to Cadmium Lead and Copper 1390 06 Conference 12th international conference on environmental science and technology
بررسي ميزان جذب فلوريد توسط دو گياه اسفناج و يونجه 1390 06 Conference دوازدهمين كنگره علوم خاك ايران
A study of the effects of deforestation on soil organic matter properties in a semi-arid ecosystem (Central Iran) 1390 03 Conference 3rd International CEMEPE SECOTOX Conference
Soil Erosion Hazard Prediction using SWAT Model and Fuzzy Logic in a large Watershed 1390 03 Conference 2011 International SWAT Conference