
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Prediction of time-dependent bearing capacity of concrete pile in cohesive soil using optimized relevance vector machine and long short-term memory models 10.1038/s41598-024-83784-8 Journal
Proposing New Artificial Intelligence Models to Estimate the Shear Wave Velocity of Fine-grained Soils: A Case Study # Journal
Numerical Studies on Performance of Helical Pile-supported Embankments Over Soft Clay 10.5829/ije.2024.37.04a.03 Journal
ارزيابي آزمايشگاهي اثر صمغ فارسي بر پارامترهاي مقاومتي سطوح تماس مختلف خاك- سازه # Journal
مطالعه عددي خاكريزهاي متكي بر شمع هاي پيچي و بتني تحت بارگذاري ترافيكي راه آهن # Journal
Proposing new models to predict pile set-up in cohesive soils # Journal
Prediction and Optimization of Pile Bearing Capacity Considering Effects of Time 10.3390/math10193563 Journal
Effect of OCR and Pile Diameter on Load Movement Response of Piles Embedded in Clay over Time 10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0002419 Journal
پيش بيني ظرفيت باربري وابسته به زمان شمع هاي كوبشي در خاك چسبنده با استفاده از روش گروهي مديريت داده ها # Journal
Evaluation of performance of piled-raft foundations on soft clay: A case study # Journal
Numerical modelling of pile installation and set-up effects on pile shaft capacity 10.1080/19386362.2017.1368185 Journal
Specimen Preparation Methods for Artificially Cemented Sand in Simple Shear and Hollow Cylinder Apparatuses 10.24200/sci.2017.4177 Journal
Numerical Simulation of Soil Stress State Variations due to Mini-Pile Penetration in Clay 10.1007/s40999-016-0141-z Journal
ارزيابي تأثير مشخصات هندسي پي راديه شمع بر رفتار آن در خاك رس نرم تحت شرايط زهكش شده # Journal
Investigating the benefits of using biological methods in improving the geotechnical characteristics of clay and sandy soils: A review Conference
Investigating the geotechnical properties of fine-grained soil in the south of Tehran Conference
برررسي عددي مشخصات هندسي شمع هاي پيچي بر عملكرد خاكريزهاي متكي بر شمع Conference
Numerical modeling of pile installation effects on stress state in clay Conference
Comparison of pile bearing capacity from CPT and dynamic load tests in clay considering soil setup Conference
Numerical investigation of soil stress state variations with time around a penetrating cylindrical object Conference