استفاده از داده هاي ايستگاه هاي هواشناسي و ماهوارهاي در تعيين شدت بارش حوضه آبريز كن |
1403 |
02 |
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استفاده از نانوذرات برگ نخل در بهبود خصوصيات پوشش بتني كانال هاي انتقال آب |
1403 |
01 |
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Impact of compost and natural and synthetic water absorbents on soil hydraulic properties and vegetation indices in urban green spaces |
10.57647/j.ijrowa.2024.1302.18 |
1403 |
01 |
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Influence of a Novel Superabsorbent Slow-release Fertilizer and Water Deficit on Herbage Biomass and oil Production of Thymus daenensis |
10.22034/jmpb.2024.364267.1632 |
1402 |
12 |
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برآورد پارامترهاي منحني مشخصه آب خاك در مدل هاي مختلف در خاك هاي سبك |
10.22034/nawee.2024.434088.1060 |
1402 |
11 |
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Integration of SWAT, SDSM, AHP, and TOPSIS to detect flood-prone areas |
10.1007/s11069-024-06483-7 |
1402 |
11 |
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كاربرد جاذب هاي گرافني و زئوليتي در شوري زدايي آب |
1402 |
10 |
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Desalination of Caspian Sea water by using graphene oxide-based covalent organic frameworks and HDTMA-modified Iranian natural Zeolite |
1402 |
08 |
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شبيه سازي عددي پرش هيدروليكي در شرايط مختلف زبري، شيب معكوس و پله مثبت انتهايي |
1402 |
07 |
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Pre-event base flow as a useful indicator for flood forecasting |
10.1016/j.advwatres.2023.104539 |
1402 |
07 |
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بررسي سينتيكي و هم دماهاي تعادلي حذف آلاينده نفتي بنزن از محيطهاي آبي با استفاده از خاكستر مخروط كاج |
1402 |
01 |
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Simulation of the effects of climate change, crop pattern change, and developing irrigation systems on the groundwater resources by SWAT, WEAP and MODFLOW models: a case study of Fars province, Iran |
10.1007/s10668-023-03157-5 |
1401 |
12 |
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Groundwater sustainability under land-use and land-cover changes |
1401 |
12 |
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Vetiver Grass (Chrysopogon zizanoides L.): A Hyper-Accumulator Crop for Bioremediation of Unconventional Water |
1401 |
11 |
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اثربخشي سيستم وتيور در بهبود ويژگيهاي بيولوژيكي و هدايت الكتريكي فاضلاب |
1401 |
10 |
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واسنجي و ارزيابي مدل هاي نفوذ آب در بافت هاي مختلف خاك |
1401 |
10 |
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High density polyethylene/zinc oxide nanocomposite with antibacterial and anti-UV radiation properties to reduce evaporation from free surface waters |
10.1002/pc.26865 |
1401 |
07 |
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Simulation of the effects of climate change and reduce irrigation requirements on groundwater recharge using SWAT and MODFLOW models |
10.1007/s40808-022-01580-7 |
1401 |
07 |
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Estimating potential reference evapotranspiration using time series models (case study: synoptic station of Tabriz in northwestern Iran) |
1401 |
06 |
Journal |