
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Bifurcations of limit cycles from quintic Hamiltonian systems with an eye-figure loop (II) # Journal
The number of limit cycles of a quintic hamiltonian systems with perturbation # Journal
روش هاي تخمين تعداد صفرهاي انتگرال آبلي # Journal
Bifurcations of limit cycles from quintic hamiltonian systems with an eye-figureloop # Journal
23مساله هيلبرت و نگاهي به مساله شانزدهم آن # Journal
ارتباط مساله 16 هيلبرت با انتگرالهاي آبلي و چند روش براي بررسي يكنوايي نسبت دو انتگرال آبلي # Journal
Determining Voltage Instability Point Using Bifurcation Theory # Journal
Periodic solutions of nonlinear equations based on extended stability theorems of nonlinear systems # Journal
Bifurcation of limit cycles in a near Hamiltonian system with a cusp of order two and a saddle Conference
Exact bound for the number of zero of tow 7th order hyperelliptic integrals Conference
A reaction-diffusion model of a growing plant tip Bifurcation on flattening spherical cap Conference
The cyclicity of period annulus of a class of reversible quadratic systems Conference
Limit cycles bifurcations by perturbing an eyefigure loop in a Hamiltonian system Conference
Bifurcations of limit cycles from a quintic hamiltonian system with a double cuspidal loop Conference
Linear estimate of the number of zeos of Abelian Integrals for a kind of quintic Hamiltonians Conference
The number of limit cycles of a quintic polynomial system with center Conference
تابع دوره تناوب يك رده از دستگاه ها ي هاميلتوني Conference
the number of limit cycles of a kind of quintic polynomial system Conference
estimate of the number of limit cycles of a family of perturbed integrable systems Conference
A Geometric Model for the Rikitake Attractor Conference