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Sound absorption and thermal insulation characteristics of fabrics made of pure and crossbred sheep waste wool |
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Modeling the sound absorption behavior of carpets using artificial intelligence |
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Prediction of the sound absorption behavior of nonwoven fabrics: Computational study and experimental validation |
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Designing a novel and versatile multi-layered nanofibrous structure loaded with MTX and 5-FU for the targeted delivery of anticancer drugs |
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Measurement, modeling, and optimization of sound absorption performance of Kenaf fibers for building applications |
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Experimental and CFD Analysis of Air Permeability of Warp-knitted Structures |
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Experimental and computational investigation of sound absorption performance of sustainable porous material: Yucca Gloriosa fiber |
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Experimental and computational analysis of acoustic characteristics of warp-knitted spacer fabrics |
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بررسي رهايش داروهاي ضد سرطان متوتروكسات و 5-فلوئوروراسيل از ساختار چندلايه نانوليفي پلي كاپرولاكتون/كيتوسان |
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Small- and large-scale analysis of bearing capacity and load-settlement behavior of rock-soil slopes reinforced with geogrid-box method |
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Silica aerogel/polyester blankets for efficient sound absorption in buildings |
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A monarch butterfly optimization-based neural network simulator for prediction of siro-spun yarn tenacity |
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A Grey Wolf Optimizer-based neural network coupled with response surface method for modeling the strength of siro-spun yarn in spinning mills |
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Experimental and computational analysis of sound absorption behavior in needled nonwovens |
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A laboratory and numerical study on the effect of geogrid-box method on bearing capacity of rock-soil slopes |
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Fiber-on-fiber friction measurement using hanging fiber method |
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Axial and transverse permeability of unidirectional fiber-reinforced composites |
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Prediction of permeability of realistic and virtual layered nonwovens using combined application of X-ray CT and computer simulation |
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3D Fiber Orientation Characterization of Nonwoven Fabrics using X-ray Micro-computed Tomography |
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