
type: Conference
Title Year Month type Conference Title
كمي سازي اهميت قطعات زيستگاهي بر اساس ارتباطات ميان آنها 1390 03 Conference پنجمين كنفرانس ملي روز جهاني محيط زيست
بررسي تغيرات كاربري اراضي در منطقه بلوك لنجان و نقش آن بر كيفيت آب رودخانه زاينده رود 1390 02 Conference هفتمين همايش ملي علوم و مهندسي آبخيزداري ايران
كاربرد HEP در ارزيابي اثرات توسعه بر زيستگاه هاي حيات وحش 1389 12 Conference هشتمين همايش ملي ارزيابي اثرات محيط زيستي
اثرات جاده ها بر تنوع زيستي، مطالعه موردي اثر كنار گذر غرب اصفهان بر پناهگاه حيات وحش قميشلو 1389 12 Conference كنفرانس ملي حفاظت از تنوع زيستي و دانش بومي
هشدار براي انقراض نسل رودخانه ها در سال تنوع زيستي 1389 02 Conference همايش ملي ناگفته هاي سد سازي
Recent increase in plant species richness in mountainous wetland habitats 1386 05 Conference Ecological Restoration in a Changing World
Significant effects of patch geometry and spatial arrangement of wetland ecosystems on plant diversity 1386 05 Conference Ecological Restoration in a Changing World
Evolution of seed size as a function of fragmentation in an axperimental Arabidopsis metapopulation 1385 09 Conference Experimental Metapopulations in Evolutionary Biology
Effects of Landscape patterns on Species Composition in Fragmented Wetlands in Switzerland 1384 06 Conference 35th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany Austria and Switzerland
Altitudinal Shifts in Plant Species Distribution as a consequence of Climate Change in Pre-alpine Regions of Switzerland 1384 06 Conference 35th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany Austria and Switzerland
type: Journal
Title DOI Year Month type
Adaptation and extinction in experimentally fragmented landscapes NULL 1389 08 Journal
Multi objective land allocation (MOLA) for zoning Ghamishloo Wildlife NULL 1389 01 Journal
Loss of habitat specialists despite conservation management in fen remnant 1995-2006 NULL 1387 01 Journal