
Academic Position:


Academic Degree:

Bsc: 1982, Agriculture, N.W. Louisiana State University

Msc: 1984, Agriculture, Arkansas State University

PhD: 1991, Agronomy, University of Arkansas


First Name:                                            Aghafakhr

Family Name:                                         Mirlohi Falavarjani

Date and Place of Birth:                        March, 25, 1959; Falavarjan, Isfahan

Marital Status:                                       Married, having two children

Present Address:                                   College of Agriculture

                                                              Isfahan University of Technology

                                                              Isfahan, 84156-83111 Iran




  1. Northwestern State University of Louisiana (USA), Dec. 17, 1982. BS, Plant & Soil Science.
  2. Arkansas State University (USA), Dec. 14, 1984. MS, Agriculture.   
  3. University of Arkansas (USA), Aug. 16, 1991. Ph.D. Agronomy (Plant genetics and Breeding).
  4. University of Arkansas (USA), Feb. 20, 1992 – Feb. 20, 1993. Postdoc.