Surname: Rahimmalek

Name: Mehdi

Nationality: Iranian

Place of Birth: Isfahan, Iran.

Date of Birth: 27 June. 1980.

Gender: Male

Marital Status: Married

Degree: Assist Prof of Plant Breeding –Biotechnology

Professional Address: Department of Agronomy and plant breeding,

                                    Faculty of Agriculture, Isfahan

                                    University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan, Iran.

                                    P.O.Box: 84154

                                    Tel: (00983913113348)

                                    Fax: (+98) 311-3912254



Educational Background

P.hD student :2004-2009, Department of Agronomy and plant breeding-Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Iran.( GPS 17.90 till now .The best GPS among other students).

            Title of P.hD Thesis: Isolation and Development of Microsatellite Markers and Study of    Genetic Variation of Yarrow (Achillea sp) using Morphological and Molecular Traits


M Sc.: 2002-2004, Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Iran.June.19 2004 (GPS 18.66 out of 20 .The best GPS in faculty).

            Title of MSc Thesis: [Construction and Saturation of Genetic Linkage Map of Wheat with AFLP Markers.]

B Sc.: 1998 –2002, Department of Horticultural Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran. Feb, 2002 (GPS 16.98 out of 20 the best GPS in horticulture).




Personal Information

Surname: Rahimmalek

Name: Mehdi

Nationality: Iranian

Place of Birth: Isfahan, Iran.

Date of Birth: 27 June. 1980.

Gender: Male

Marital Status: Married

Degree: Assist Prof of Plant Breeding –Biotechnology

Professional Address: Department of Agronomy and plant breeding,

                                    Faculty of Agriculture, Isfahan

                                    University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan, Iran.

                                    P.O.Box: 84154

                                    Tel: (00983913113348)

                                    Fax: (+98) 311-3912254



Educational Background

P.hD student :2004-2009, Department of Agronomy and plant breeding-Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Iran.( GPS 17.90 till now .The best GPS among other students).

            Title of P.hD Thesis: Isolation and Development of Microsatellite Markers and Study of    Genetic Variation of Yarrow (Achillea sp) using Morphological and Molecular Traits


M Sc.: 2002-2004, Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Iran.June.19 2004 (GPS 18.66 out of 20 .The best GPS in faculty).

            Title of MSc Thesis: [Construction and Saturation of Genetic Linkage Map of Wheat with AFLP Markers.]

B Sc.: 1998 –2002, Department of Horticultural Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran. Feb, 2002 (GPS 16.98 out of 20 the best GPS in horticulture).

Diploma: 1994-1997, In Natural Science, June, 1994. Isfahan, Iran. (GPS 19.71 The best GPS. out of 20)