
2010-2015          Doctor of Philosophy in applied mechanics and design, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Supervisor: Professor A. Assempour, Dr S. Soleymani Shishvan. Dissertation name: "Stress gradient plasticity analysis to study size effects considering dislocation sources", GPA: 17.72/20.

2007-2009         Master of Science in applied mechanics and design, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Tarbiat Modarres University, Supervisor: Dr. MR. Ghazavi, Professor H. Haddadpour. Dissertation name: “Analysis and optimization of composite thin walled beam with curvilinear fiber”, GPA: 17.94/20. Ranked 1 among 32 students.

2003-2007          Bachelor of Science in solid mechanics, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Supervisor: Dr. M. Saadat, Professor MR. Movahhedi. Dissertation name: “Tolerance analysis of a powder clutch with DLM and Monte Carlo simulation”, GPA: 17.06/20.

2002-2003         Pre-University student in the field of Mathematics and Physics, Farzaneghan High school (National Organization for Development of Exceptional Talents) Tehran, Iran, GPA: 19.24/20, Ranked 1.


Honors and Awards

July. 2017           “Dr. Tehrani Moghaddam” Award from Iran’s National Elites Foundation.

July. 2016           “Dr. Kazemi Ashtiani” Research Grant Award for Young Assistant Professors from Iran’s National Elites Foundation.

Oct. 2009           Ranked 1 based on GPA among 32 M.Sc students in Mechanical Engineering, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Tarbiat Modarres University.  

Oct. 2003           Ranked 94 among more than 400,000 students in the nationwide university entrance exam for B.Sc. degree, Iran.


Work Experience

2018 – present Supervisor of B.S & M.Sc Students, Golpayegan University of Engineering, Mech. Eng. Dep..

  • Analysis of mechanical behavior of hybrid meta-biomaterials combining auxetic and honeycomb material in implant application
  • Instability analysis of a centrifugal compressor impeller blade
  • An investigation of the effect of piezoelectric patches location on active vibration control of functionally graded plates reinforced by carbon nanotube
  • Analysis and experimental study of refractory powder compaction process
  • Fatigue analysis of powder pressing die using dracker prager cap plasticity model
  • Analysis of ceramic dental bridge under thermomechanical and  impact loading
  • Analysis of fiber-metal laminates with curvilinear fiber under low velocity impact loading
  • Flutter analysis of a sandwich composite beam using an analytical method
  • Free vibration analysis of composite wings modeled as thin-walled beams through the use of curvilinear fiber


2017                      Senior engineer in design department, TAPCO Company, Tehran.

  • Rotor dynamic, stress analysis, design and optimization of rotary equipment: Impeller, Turbine disk, Shaft, etc.

2015 – 2016       Research assistant, Sharif Energy Research Institute (SERI), Sharif University of Technology, Tehran.

  • Presenting the combined heat and power (CHP) roadmap for Iran.

Summer 2006  Farab Company, Installation section, Position: Trainee and designer of the heating and cooling systems for Seymareh power plant. Supervisor: Mr. Jahanbakhsh.

Summer 2005  Iran Khodro Company, Press section, Position: R&D researcher to investigate the effect of calibration on quality of the manufactured parts and vibration of press 3 building. Supervisor: Dr. Behzad.