

· Application of DNA techniques in the fields of ecology and conservation biology

· Molecular Systematics

· Phylogeography

· Population Genetics

· Conservation Genetics




Course details

Fundamentals of Molecular Ecology   2Cr.       Concepts and history of molecular ecology, introduction to molecular genetic tools and their use in natural populations, Collection and storage of genetic samples,  methods for studying genetic variation and overview of field and laboratory methods




Wetland management and migratory birds              3 Cr.       The course includes wetland types and classification, structure of wetlands, wetland values and functions, threats to wetlands, wetland laws and regulations, migration and migratory birds, routes of migration and policy and regulatory issues related to migratory birds and their habitats. IUT Web Courses


Quantifying the economical values of wetlands: concepts and methods


Wetlands are highly productive, biologically rich and providing many ecological services, therefore, they are important to both biodiversity and economy. The science of calculating economic values for wetlands is relatively new and methods are continually being refined and enhanced. Putting value on natural services such as water filtration and erosion control is a much newer concept than valuing traditional consumptive uses such as fishing or hunting. It is becoming clear, however, that many natural areas, including wetlands, have substantial economic values.