presented seminars

Comparing two methods for estimating density of forest-inhabited deer populations. Presented at ISS 2001, Manchester, UK.


· Habitat selection and herbivory of deer populations in a lowland coniferous forest: Do woodlark benefit? Presented at the Forest Dynamics and Ungulate Herbivory conference, October 2001, Davos, Switzerland.


Employment History

Aug 2004- current:

Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Natural Resources, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran.

1st November 2003- July 2007

Visiting fellow at the School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, England.

Dec 1994- July 1999:

Lecturer in Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Natural Resources, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran.

April 1993-Sept 1994:

Research fellow, Natural History Museum of Iran, Department of Environment.


Professional activities

· Member of Conservation Breeding Specialist Group, SSC, IUCN, since 1994

· Member of Antelope Specialist Group, SSC, IUCN, since Jan 2002

· Member of the board of trustees of "Payam-e Sabz", an Environmental NGO.

· Scientific consultant for the 'Conservation of Asiatic Cheetah Project' (A joint project of the Iran Department of the Environment and UNDP). 2005-2006.




Hemami M.R., Watkinson, A.R., Gill, R.M.A., Dolman, P. (2007) Estimating abundance of introduced Chinese muntjac Muntiacus reevesi and native roe deer Capreolous capreolous using portable thermal imaging equipment. Mammal Review, 37: 246-254.

Eycott, A.E., Watkinson, A.R., Hemami, M.-R. & Dolman, P.M. (2007). The dispersal of vascular plants in a forest mosaic by a guild of mammalian herbivores. Oecologia 154, 107-118.


Teaching Experience

Teaching Experience (demonstrating) at the University of East Anglia, England

· Biodiversity Conservation (M.Sc. course)

· Ecology Field Course to southern Ireland (B.Sc. course)

· Environmental Science Statistics (B.Sc. course)

· Selected lectures or field work for 'Population and community ecology' (B.Sc. course)



Courses taught

Courses taught at the Isfahan University of Technology, Iran

B.Sc. course:

· General Zoology

· General Biology

· Biology of Game Animals

· Protected Areas of Iran

· Park Management

· Ornithology

· Wildlife Ecology

· Principles of Wildlife Management