Conference Papers (in Farsi)

M. Karbasi and A. Saidi and S. Abbasi; Investigation the effect of surface Heat Treatments on the Fracture of Rolling Drums

B. Yarmand, M.R. Rahimipour, M. Karbasi, and A. Saidi; Microstructure of Al/TiC-Al2O3 composites prepared by Combustion Synthesis, 6th Ceramic Congress of Iran,  15th May 2007


· Member of AIST ( Association for Iron and Steel Technology, USA)

· Member of Metallurgical Society of Iran

· Member of Iron and Steel Society of Iran

· Member of Iranian Surface Engineering Society.


Employment and Positions

1979-1981                      Manager of the Metalizeh Company, (foundry factory)

1981-Now                       Academic staff of Isfahan University of Technology (IUT)

1999-2005                      Head of the Department of Materials Engineering, IUT