Conference Papers (in Farsi)

M. Karbasi and A. Saidi and S. Abbasi; Investigation the effect of surface Heat Treatments on the Fracture of Rolling Drums

B. Yarmand, M.R. Rahimipour, M. Karbasi, and A. Saidi; Microstructure of Al/TiC-Al2O3 composites prepared by Combustion Synthesis, 6th Ceramic Congress of Iran,  15th May 2007

M. Golzar shahry and A. Saidi. The effect of milling on the phase transformation of zirconia; 8th congress of  Iran Metallurgical Society, Isfahan, October 2004.

S.M. Ghoreishi and A. Saidi. Production of TiB2 in iron matrix by SHS process;  8th congress of  Iran Metallurgical Society, Isfahan, October 2004.

M.H. Golmakani, A. Saidi, et al. Optimization of the parameters affecting the consumption of solid fuel in the pelletizing  process, deep bed practice. 8th congress of Iran Metallurgical Society, Isfahan, October 2004.

R. Ebrahimi, M.H. Abbasi, and A. Saidi; The effect of mechanical activation on the leaching process of molibdenite. 8th congress of  Iran Metallurgical Society, Isfahan, October 2004.

A. Saidi and H. Torki. Investigation the possibility of using lump ore in Midrex  module of MSC; Iron and Steel Symposium 2004, Yazd, March 2004

A. Saidi, M.H. Golmakani, et al. Investigation the effect of DRI properties on the steelmaking, using 70 percent DRI. Iron and Steel Symposium 2004, Yazd, March 2004

M. Mortazavi, A. Saidi, et al. How to produce iron ore sinter with lower FeO content? Iron and Steel Symposium 2004, Yazd, March 2004

A. Saidi, et al. Contorting the FeO content of the slag of EAF when using 70 percent DRI;  Iron and Steel Symposium 2003, Isfahan, March 2003

J. Safarian,  A. Saidi, et al. Investigation the effect of using dolomite in EAF steelmaking at the M.S.C. conditions. Iron and Steel Symposium 2003, Isfahan, March 2003

Materials Engineering Department