پروژه هاي دانشگاهي و صنعتي

  • كاهش ميزان ضايعات نشتي در قطعات دايكاست پوسته واتر پمپ پيكان، ، با همكاري شركت­هاي ايران گداخت و ساپكو

  • بهينه سازي ساختار و خواص مكانيكي چدن ريختگي پر سيليس(Hi Si Cast Iron) براي استفاده در محيط هاي خورنده و رفع معايب ريخته­گري آن

Scientific research projects

  • Semisolid processing
  • Semisolid ingot and shape casting of Al, Mg, Zn, Cu and grey cast iron alloys by mechanical stirring, SSR processing, gas injection, cooling slope, rheo-centrifuged casting, thermo-mechanical and other novel techniques
  • Semisolid casting of Al and cast iron in expendable molds under gravitational and centrifugal forces
  • Corrosion behavior of semi

Industrial research projects

  • Improving the casting yield of an aluminium high pressure die cast auto-part, Iran Godakht Co. in collaboration with Supply of Automobile Parts Co. (SAPCO)
  • Improving the microstructure and properties of high pressure die cast oil pump housing of Pegout 206, Atlas Pump Co. in collaboration with SAPCO
  • Reducing the under-surface micro-porosity of XU7 auto-pistons, Pouya Neiestanak Co.