Development of Nanocrystalline TiNiCo Shape Memory Alloys via Thermomechanical Processing
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- rntt(2011-2013) A university project supported by Iran National Science Foundation. rn
2009-Present: A collaborative project with the School of Pharmacy, Isfahan Pharmaceutical Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran.
2004-2007: Isfahan University of Technology with the collaboration of Oil Refinery Company of Isfahan
2005-2007: Isfahan University of Technology with the collaboration of Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran (Isfahan branch)
2010-Present: Isfahan University of Technology with the collaboration of Mapna-Parto Engineering Co.
2001-2004: Imperial College London with the collaboration of Special Metals Corporation, Special Metals Wiggin Ltd., Wyman-Gordon Ltd., Rolls-Royce plc, QinetiQ, Rolls-Royce UTP at University of Cambridge and the IRC in University of Birmingham.
2006-2007: Isfahan University of Technology with the collaboration of National Industrial Group of Steel of Iran, Kousar Mill