
  • Development of the Electromagnetic Levitational Gas Condensation (ELGC) Method for the synthesis of metal and oxide nanoparticles (Colleagues: Mr. K.

Talks in the international conferences

  1. B. Behdadfar, A. Kermanpur, H. Sadeghi-aliabadi, S. Veintemillas-Verdaguer, J. Ruiz Cabello, M. del P. Morales, M. Mozaffari; "Gd and Zn Co-Substituted Magnetite Nanoparticles as High T2 MRI Agents", 5th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE), Vol. 37, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 1370–1373, 2011.
  2. F. Forouzan, A. Kermanpur, A. Najafizadeh and A.

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  • Experimental Grant, Sven och Astrid Toressons Fond, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, to conduct research on Metal Additive Manufacturing, 2021
  • Travel Grant, Olle Eriksson Foundation, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, to conduct neutron scattering experiments at the National Physics Institute, Prague, Czech Republic, 2021

Talks in the international conferences

  1. B. Behdadfar, A. Kermanpur, H. Sadeghi-aliabadi, S. Veintemillas-Verdaguer, J. Ruiz Cabello, M. del P. Morales, M. Mozaffari; "Gd and Zn Co-Substituted Magnetite Nanoparticles as High T2 MRI Agents", 5th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE), Vol. 37, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 1370–1373, 2011.
  2. F. Forouzan, A. Kermanpur, A. Najafizadeh and A.

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