Administration Works and Positions

  • 2019 - 2022
  • Head, School of Civil Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran
  • 2022
  • Chairman of the scientific committee of the 13th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 13NCCE
  • 2022
  • Director of the 13th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 13NCCE
  • 2019 - Present
  • Member of National Board of Trustees of National and International Congresses on Civil Engineering
  • 2013 - 2019
  • Member of Council of Postgraduate studies of Isfahan University of Technology, Iran

Membership and Awards

  • Pioneer Engineer Award – 2008 (Honored by Construction Engineering Organization of Isfahan Province)
  • Member of National Construction Engineering Organization - Isfahan Province
  • Member of American Concrete Institute (ACI Iran Chapter)
  • Member of Iranian Concrete Institute (ICI)
  • Receipt of a fellowship award from the Iranian Government for studying towards the degree of Ph.D., 1991.
  • Isfahan University of Technology Distinguished Director-2017 (Honored by the President of the University)

Patent Inventions

1) Title: Flexible Concrete based on Metakaolin and Rubber Powder
               Owners: Behfarnia, k., Hasanzade, M. and Etamadi, M.
               Serial No.: A/87-006100
               Invention Registry No.: 68115
               Invention Registry Date: 28. Dec. 2010

اختراعات ثبت شده

  • بتن انعطاف پذیر توانمند بر پایه متاکائولین و ذرات لاستیک، کیاچهر بهفرنیا، محسن حسن زاده و محسن اعتمادی، اداره اختراعات، اداره کل مالکیت صنعتی کشور، ۱۳۸۹.


  • بتن انعطاف پذیر توانمند بر پایه زئولیت و ذرات لاستیک، کیاچهر بهفرنیا، محسن حسن زاده و محسن اعتمادی، اداره اختراعات، اداره کل مالکیت صنعتی کشور، ۱۳۸۹.