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Agronomic Biofortification to Fight Human Zn Deficiency in Arid Regions
Zinc (Zn) deficiency is now recognized as a major problem of human nutrition worldwide. It is particularly severe where populations depend on cereals as staple food and have insufficient dietary intake of Zn from legumes and animal products. This situation is widespread in arid regions of developing countries such as Iran.
Selected National Projects
Iranian Management and Programing Organization |
Proficiency Testing Program for Iron and Zinc Analysis of Wheat Grain
This project was as a part of the HarvestPlus Proficiency Testing Program for iron and zinc analysis.
Zn fluxes from soil into the food chain in arid agroecosystems – a case study in Iran
The overall objective to which this project aims to contribute is to identify and investigate agronomic management practices potentially suited to biofortify cereal grains in order to alleviate human Zn deficiency in regions with soils low in available Zn and populations depending on cereals for Zn nutrition such as in central Iran. In this project, we focus on the possibility to increase the density and nutritional availability of Zn in wheat grains by improving the organic factors of soil fertility in these regions.