Academic position :
Mohammad Sadegh Fazel is an assistant Professor in the department of electrical and Computer engineering , Isfahan University of technology since August 2011
Academic Degree:
Ph. D. in Wireless Communication Systems, Centre for Communication Systems Research (Currently: Institude for Communication Systems ( ), Faculty of Engineering, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, UK July 2010
Specialization: Wireless communication systems, Coding theory, Signal Processing, Estimation and Detection techniques, Cooperative Relaying techniques
Thesis: Advanced Non-Regenerative Cooperative Relaying Techniques
M. Sc.
Electrical Engineering (Telecommunication Systems), School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Technology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran Sep. 1998
Master Thesis: ‘Performance Analysis of Block Coded Modulation (BCM) in Rayleigh Fading Channel”
B. Sc.
BEng in Electrical Engineering (Electronics), Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering , Isfahan University of Technology, Esfahan, Iran
Project:” optimum design of Pulse Forming Network (PFN) for antennas of RADAR”.