Dates & Place of Birth: March, 25, 1978, Shahrood, Semnan, I.R.Iran

Personal: Married.

Language: Persian, English



Ph.D. (2004-2008) Weed Science, University of Tehran, Iran

Title of Ph.D. thesis: Eco-physiological aspects of mutual competition of common cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium L.) and jimsonweed (Datura stramonium L.) with corn (Zea mays L.)

 M.Sc. (2001-2003) Weed Science, University of Tehran, Iran

Title of M.Sc. thesis: Effects of different weed control methods in winter and spring sown lentil (Lens culinaris M.).

 B.Sc. (1997-2001) Plant Protection, University of Tehran, Iran

 Visiting Sabbatical leave as academic guest in Melbourne University, Australia (November 2007-May 2008)


 Professional Experience:

  1.  Assistant professor of Weed Science (since 2008), Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
  2.  Weed Researcher, at: "Tirtash Tobacco Research Institute of Iran" as a researcher on weeds of tobacco.  June 2003- November 2003
  3.  Having some practical experience on production of field crops and fruit trees such as potato, wheat, corn, apricot, apple and …. in traditional and moderns systems.


Research Interest:

  1.  Sustainable weed management
  2. Weed and crop ecology (weed-crop competition, weed and crop allelopathy, parasitic weeds….)
  3. Integrated pest and disease management.