Born in Borujen, 1984.

Diploma in Mathematics-Physics, "Nemuneh Dolati Imam Khomeini" high school, Borujen, 2001.

BS degree in "Mechanical Engineering" from Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, 2006.

Thesis: Study of the collapse of aluminum cylindrical tubes under semi-static axial loading.

MS degree in "Mechanical Engineering-Solids Mechanics" from Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, 2008.

Thesis: Analysis of FGM cylindrical shells with piezoelectric layers.

PhD degree in "Mechanical Engineering" from Iowa State University, USA, 2013.

Thesis: Phase-field approach to surface-induced phase transformations and dislocations.

Post Doc in "Aerospace Engineering" at Iowa State University, 2013-14.


Honors and Awards:

  • 2023, Teaching excellence award, Isfahan University of Technology
  • 2021,2022,2023, world top 2%  scientist
  • 2017, Outstanding bachelor advisor (Tarhe Hoda), Isfahan University of Technology
  • 2014, Karas Award for the Outstanding Dissertation at Iowa State University
  • 2012, Iowa State University Research Excellence Award
  • 2010, Second award in the USA graduate student competition at the Annual Meeting of Society of Engineering Sciences, USA
  • 2010, NSF Grant for Society of Engineering Sciences (SES)
  • 2007, Elite student in MS in Mechanical Engineering at AUT with the GPA of 17.72/20.
  • 2006, The third rank among B.S. students of Mechanical Engineering at Amirkabir University of Technology with the GPA of 17.29/20.
  • 2006, Membership of Mechanical Engineering Olympiad Team at Amirkabir University of Technology
  • 2006, Accepted in M.S. of Solid Mechanics at Amirkabir University of Technology without entrance exam, as an elite student
  • 2001, ranked 886th among more than 400,000 students competing the university entrance exam for engineering majors.


Professional Appointments

  • Faculty at Mechanical Engineering Department, Amirkabir University, 2014-15.
  • Post Doctoral Research Associate, Aerospace Engineering Department, Iowa State University, 2013-2014.
  • Research Assistant, Mechanical Engineering Department, Iowa State University, 2009-2013.



  • Reviewer for Royal Society of Chemistry, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, ISME Journal
  • Contribution to the preparation of the proposal “A Unified Phase Field Approach to Phase Transformations, Twinning, and Dislocation Dynamics: Complex Interaction between Phase Transformation and Plasticity at the Nanoscale.” funded by US National Science Foundation (NSF) for above 600,000$.


Professional Membership

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society, USA