Born July 4th 1990
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, 2008- 2012.
Master of Science in Road and Transportation Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, 2012- 2014.
Ph.D. in Geotechnical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, 2014- 2018.
Ranked 5th out of 100 Entrants during Undergraduate Course, 2012.
Ranked 1st out of 12 Entrants during Masters Course, 2014.
Masters Admission (without tests), 2012.
Ph.D. Admission (without tests), 2014.
Invitation Recipient for a study Opportunity, University of Technology, Sydney, 2017.
Invitation Recipient for a study Opportunity, University of New South Wales, 2017.
Selected Article for Publication in Journal, 4th ICEPM Held at University of Tehran, Iran, 2017.