Office Department of Physics Phone 0311-3913715 Fax 0311-3912376 Positions Department of Physics Research Interests see publications Fields number two Fields number three More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type Calculation of the initial DNA damage induced by alpha particles in comparison with protons and electrons using Geant4-DNA # Journal Equiavalent dose calculation of the first and the most important secondary particles in brain proton therapy by Monte Carlo Simulation # Journal The Effect of Material Nonlinearity on Band Gap for the TE and TM Modes in Square and Triangular Lattices # Journal Track structure simulation of low energy electron damage to DNA using Geant4-DNA # Journal A Simulation Approach for Detrmining the Spectrum of DNA Damage Induced by Protons # Journal Monte Carlo Evaluation of Gamma Knife Dose Profile in Real Brain Phantom # Journal Calculation of exposure buildup factors for point isotropic gamma ray sources in sttatified spherical shields of water surrounded by lead and optimization of water-lead combination # Journal Detecltion of charged pariticle tracks in the volume of CN-85 detectors attributed to neutrons # Journal A study of gamma ray exposure buildup factors instratified shields for point isotropic sources including the effects of incoherent andcoherent Scattering # Journal Determination of the neutral to charged current cross section ratio for antineutrino interactions on protons # Journal