


1) Country curently lives:Iran

2) Complete Name: Jahangir  Abedi-Koupai

3) Present Position: Professor


Dr. J. Abedi-Koupaei

Professor of Water Resources

Department of Water Eng.

College of Agriculture

Isfahan University of Technology

Postcode 54156-83111, Isfahan, Iran





4) Concurrent Positions:

- Head of "Water Engineering Dept." in College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology (2014 to date).

- Deputy of Student Affairs, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology (2004 to 2013).

- Director of "Water Quality Committee" in Water and Wastewater Research Center (WWRC), Isfahan University of Technology.

- 1996 to date-Academic member, Dept. of Water Eng., College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology

- Representative of Isfahan University of Technology in a Committee entitled "Management of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture for Isfahan Province"

-Editor in Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Water and Soil Science

-Editor in Journal of Science and Technology of Greenhouse Culture

5) Previous Positions:

- 2002-2004 - Deputy of Admistration and Finance, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology

- 2001-2002 - Head of Postgraduate Studies, Faculty of  Natural Resources, Isfahan University of Technology

- 1999-2001-  Head of Pasture and Watershed Management Dept., Faculty of Natural Res, Isfahan Uni. of Technology

- 1996-2002- Dept. of Environ. Eng., Faculty of Natural Resources, Isfahan University Technology-

- 1997-1999- Deputy of Student Affairs, Faculty of Natural Resources, Isfahan University of Technology

-  1993-1994 Research Assistant in Australian Research Council (ARC), Australia, Sydney

- 1987-1990- Designer Engineer in "Consulting Engineers" in Isfahan Province 

- 1986-1987- Designer Engineer in Irrigation and Drainage projects in Khosestan Province 

- 2005-2009 - Elected member of Advisory Board of Isfahan University of Technology Alumni

- 2005-2009 - Elected member of Executive Committee of of Isfahan University of Technology Alumni

6) Education/Training:








Water Resources

University of New South Wales




M.Sc. (1st class honors)

Irrigation Structures 

University of Tarbiat Modarres





Irrigation Eng.

Isfahan University of Technology




7) Membership of Professional Socities:

Member of Iranian National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (IRNCID)

Member of Iranian Water Resources Association (IR-WRA)

Member of Iranian Hydraulic Association


8) Awards/Patent

  • Award as the best researcher in Isfahan Province in 2012.
  •  Award for the best paper presented in 4th International Conference on Nanostructures (ICNS4)  12-14 March, 2012, Kish Island, I.R. Iran
  • Award for the best paper presented in International Cement Conference entitled "Irrigation canal lining containing nano-particles of RHA"-Tehran, Iran. Feb. 2005.
  • Award for the best paper presented in 3rd Congress of Irrigation Engineering entitled "Reducing seepage of Irrigation canal lining "- Mazanderean, Iran, May 2004.
  • Patent No. 52372. Production and evaluation of  microcapsule containing nano particles of nutrients in hyroponic environment. Tehran, 5 Sept. 2008. 
  1. BooK:
  • Technical English for Water Engineering Students, 2013
  • A Guide to Agriculture Health and Safety of Iran, 2012

10) Language: Persian and English

11) Cources Taught

Cources Taught  for undergraduates: (B.Sc. students)

1 - Irrigation Eng.

2- Open Channel Hydraulics

3- Water Resources Management

4- Fluid Mechanics

5- Design of Water Conveyance Structures

6- Hydraulics

7- Water Supply

8- Hydrotechnics

9- Groundwater



Cources Taught  for graduates (M.Sc. students)

Cources Taught  for post graduates (Ph.D. students)

1- Flow through porous media

  1. Mathematical models in soil physics

2- Advanced Soil physics

  1. Flow through porous media

3- Groundwater

  1. Infiltration and Seepage

4- Water Resources Management


  1. 5- Water Resources Engineering


ُ12) Supervision of postgraduate Students

50 MSc. Students and 10 Ph.D. Students

13) Project Management:

-     2010-2012 – Mapping of drought in Isfahan province

-     2009-2011 - Influences of zeolite and surfactant modified zeolite on nitrate leaching for reducing groundwater     pollution

-     2009-2011 - Application of natural and synthetic water absorbents materials on soil hydraulic properties

-     2006-2008 - Evaluation of microcapsule containing nano-particles of nutrient in hydroponic environment

  • 2003-2007 - Optimization and application of unconventional water in landscape

-     2003-2006 - Study the impact of water stress on pest populations for corn

-     2003-2005 - Mathematical model for estimating osmotic potential of soils in Isfahan

  • 2001-2004 - Phytoremediation of petrolieum contaminated soil in  khouzestan province
  • 2001-2003 - Influence of Isfahan Landfill Upon groundwater Pollutin.
  • 1999-2003 - Application of rice husk ash in concrete irrigation canal lining.