Dr. Mehdi Bijari

Industrial Department - Room No.
+98 31 33915510
+98 31 33915526
Professor of Industrial Engineering Department
Interested In
Meta heuristics methods
Production planning Models
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Integrated Production and Non-cyclical Maintenance Planning in Flow Shop Environment with Limited Buffer - 1402 08 Journal
Analysis of effective factors on gas leakage of polyethylene pipes for the intelligent forecasting of leakage degree - 1401 03 Journal
Robust Simultaneous Lot-sizing and Scheduling with considering Controllable Processing Time and Fixed Carbon Emission in Flow-shop Environment - 1401 01 Journal
مسئله زمان بندي در محيط كارگاه جرياني تركيبي برگشت پذير 1400 06 Conference هفتمين كنفرانس بين المللي مهندسي صنايع و سيستمها
Scheduling of Cellular manufacturing system considering price elasticity of demand and varying energy price based on the time of use - 1400 03 Journal
Polynomial-time algorithms to solve the single-item capacitated lot sizing problem with a 1-breakpoint all-units quantity discount - 1400 02 Journal
پيش بيني نشت گاز طبيعي با استفاده از تكنيكهاي داده كاوي، مطالعه موردي: شركت گاز استان اصفهان 1399 08 Conference اولين كنفرانس ملي بهينه سازي سيستم هاي توليدي و خدماتي
New Quantitative Predictability-Based Method of Risk Measurement to Make Profitable Investment Decisions in Financial Markets - 1399 06 Journal
Bed management with considering bed-blocking and elective patient admissions using simulation optimisation - 1398 12 Journal
Making investment decisions in stock markets using a forecasting-Markowitz based decision-making approaches - 1398 08 Journal