Integrated Production and Non-cyclical Maintenance Planning in Flow Shop Environment with Limited Buffer |
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Analysis of effective factors on gas leakage of polyethylene pipes for the intelligent forecasting of leakage degree |
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Robust Simultaneous Lot-sizing and Scheduling with considering Controllable Processing Time and Fixed Carbon Emission in Flow-shop Environment |
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Scheduling of Cellular manufacturing system considering price elasticity of demand and varying energy price based on the time of use |
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Polynomial-time algorithms to solve the single-item capacitated lot sizing problem with a 1-breakpoint all-units quantity discount |
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New Quantitative Predictability-Based Method of Risk Measurement to Make Profitable Investment Decisions in Financial Markets |
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Bed management with considering bed-blocking and elective patient admissions using simulation optimisation |
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Making investment decisions in stock markets using a forecasting-Markowitz based decision-making approaches |
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بكارگيري ابزارهاي هوش محاسباتي به منظور پيش بيني مصرف فولاد خام كشور |
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A novel flexible model for lot sizing and scheduling with non-triangular period overlapping and carryover setups in different machine configurations |
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Simultaneous scheduling and lot-sizing with earliness/tardiness penalties |
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تعيين اندازه دسته و زمانبندي روي ماشينهاي موازي با در نظر گرفتن جريمه زودكرد و ديركرد |
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A Hybrid Probabilistic Fuzzy ARIMA Model for Consumption Forecasting in Commodity Markets |
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بيشينه سازي سود در مسئله دوعاملي پذيرش و زمان بندي يكپارچه سفارشها |
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Steel Consumption Forecasting Using Nonlinear Pattern Recognition Model Based on Self-Organizing Maps |
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Simultaneous Lot-sizing and scheduling problem in Flow shop environment with outsourcing |
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Multi-objective simulation optimization for selection and determination of order quantity in supplier selection problem |
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Comparison of four interval ARIMA based time series methods for exchange rate forecasting |
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مدل استوار تعيين همزمان اندازه دسته و توالي توليد |
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انتخاب متغير در شبكه هاي عصبي پرسپترون چندلايه به منظور پيش بيني با استفاده از نگاشتهاي خودسازمان ده |
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